What do you find is the sexiest quality, beauty or brains?

Contributor: Chefbriapink Chefbriapink
If I'm looking to just have sex, looks all the way.
But for a meaningful relationship with a future, both.
Contributor: mr115393 mr115393
Obviously, beauty is something that automatically attracts the attention and turns people on, but smart people are logically sexier. They're stimulating in so many ways.
Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
Yay, we're all deep people! Hahaha, but yeah. Perfect example: my boyfriend can be really charming, but until I got a real look at his brains and who he is as a person, I always shot him down (before we started dating).
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
For long term I'd have to take the brains...although I admit I don't give a damn for short term.....although there is a limit...I'm not screwing someone with a rock for a brain.
Contributor: RatchetS RatchetS
I have dated guys who were not the brightest crayons in the box and it was frustrating.
Contributor: freud13 freud13
Intelligence is super sexy to me. I find that it doesn't matter how pretty the exterior is if they are not that bright.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
Looks don't last and brains make you look much better.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Intelligence for me. Yes, attractiveness doesn't hurt, but if that's all you have going for you, I'll pass.