Strange Sex Myths

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
I know people that have been in that situation as amazes me that doctors don't warn you! Or even pharmacists (my current one DOES but I've had others that did not) since they have record of everything you're taking. ... more
The office supervisor at my Drs office told me about the whole antibiotic thing because she had her last child that way! I was 39 when I had my son and she wondered if my story was the same. When I went on the pill my Doc made sure I knew that the only way to be 100% sure was to watch my cycle and use 2 forms of protection at the time I should be ovulating and if I needed antibiotics for one full cycle after stopping them.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
That rape the virgin myth is quite possibly the most disturbing thing I've heard
It was for me as well. The way I heard it makes me cringe Mom told me this myth. See, my Dad had been told it by his brothers, and he believed them. He raped my Mom on their wedding night. It took her weeks to get the abrasions to heal and to even want to have sex again. The worst part was she was totaly ready and looking forward to the night....
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
The office supervisor at my Drs office told me about the whole antibiotic thing because she had her last child that way! I was 39 when I had my son and she wondered if my story was the same. When I went on the pill my Doc made sure I knew that the ... more
The thing is it is not ALL antibiotics. Only a few families. I am blanking on them now, and hate to post a list, because new generations of antibiotics are being marketed all the time. Pharmacists seem to know more about this than most doctors do (I was NEVER warned about this interaction while I was on the pill, and I took a LOT of antibiotics. But, usually I used Sulfa, which shouldn't interact with BC pills.) I'd ask the pharmacist when you pick up the prescription if it has any interactions with hormonal birth control.
Contributor: B8trDude B8trDude
Here's a myth - the "rhythm method" . . .
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
I haven't come across any myths or tales.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Had one girl in high school who thought any type of jelly could be used for contraception - she used grape and wondered how she got pregnant. *headdesk*
Heh, I remember when that happened on an episode of House. The girl used some sort of fruit jelly as a contraceptive and was diagnosed with vaginosis. I'm kind of stunned that stuff actually happens in real life, though o_O
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Man... I've heard all of these... SHEESH..

What were people thinking.. lol

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