Sex while baby is in the room?

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I don't see a problem with it. But, I'm not modest and I'm not a parent.
Contributor: lovebites lovebites
Originally posted by Zombirella
I don't have a child yet, but I just don't think I could do that, even if the baby was asleep, we were quiet and we couldn't be seen. I'd just a bad parent =/.
i agree
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
Yeah only if they were baby babies and not like cognitive.
Contributor: MJ7 MJ7
Originally posted by Zandrock
I disagree. I have read articles that state children who know their parents have an active sex life have a more positive attitude regarding sex and relationships and end up with better relationships. It is completely natural. The only reason I ... more
Babies may not have memories the way adults have them, but their brains are still capable of being traumatized by certain events.
Contributor: AHubbyof2SexualMinds AHubbyof2SexualMinds
When our little guy was really little he shared a room with us and we were so tired that sex barely came up for the first few months. He's now in his own room so we don't have to worry about that except when we're in hotels. Then we don't engage in intercourse, but finger play is okay. Don't ask us why we came to that conclusion though!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Wow, so many different opinions on this subject!!

First, I will say that babies, and young children go through amazing learning, they might not be able to remember everything from the time that they're a certain age on, but that certainly doesn't mean that they are at all similar to a vegetable and I think it's very sad to not give a child the credit that they deserve.

Secondly, it's very important for the mom to have her baby in the same room with her for a period of time, especially if she's nursing. It takes less time to get to the baby once they wake up, and helps the mom fall back to sleep easier because she didn't have to fully wake up to feed and change the baby.

Thirdly, having a sleeping baby in the same room with you shouldn't be something that stops you from being intimate with your partner. It's understandable why some people would be uncomfortable with it, but if you've showered and undress in front of your young child, I don't see how having sex while a baby is sleeping would be a big deal. I would think it would be more of a problem for someone to know that their young child was being around a naked adult than a sleeping child in the same room as their parents.

As far as your preschool aged child walking in on you, I wouldn't suggest putting something against their door that would make it impossible for them to get out, that could be damaging to them. Consider putting a lock on your bedroom door and telling your child that when Mommy and Daddy are in bed, you need to knock if you need something. That way, you're available to your child, but you know that they aren't going to walk in on you.

I have three amazing children. All of them spend at least the first 6 months of their lives in the same room with me. After my last baby was born, my husband and I had a lot of sex because my body was feeling so much better after the months of pregnancy when certain positions were uncomfortable. When I say lots...I mean lots. The baby was always sleeping, and it was never an issue. It might be weird at first, but there's NOTHING wrong or inappropriate about it! Your children will not be damaged for sleeping in the same room while sexual activity is going on.

Give your wife some time. She's probably going through a lot of emotions of her own. Be LOVINGLY open and honest about your feelings and see if there's a way to compromise! I think someone else mentioned enjoying sex in another area of the house, that might be something that's worth doing if you haven't tried it yet.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by MJ7
Babies may not have memories the way adults have them, but their brains are still capable of being traumatized by certain events.
Yes, babies can be traumatized by certain events; being left to cry for long periods of time, (most reliable studies say anything more than 3 to 10 minutes is too long to be left to cry) not being fed when they are hungry, not having their needs met, physical abuse and neglect, cold, unchanged diaper, wet or soiled clothing, etc.

However, while very young and still self centered (babies don't realize other people are different than themselves and don't really pay attention to what people around them are doing, if it doesn't concern them) being in the same room while parents are having gentle, fairly quiet sex is not going to cause a problem.

I wouldn't engage in a full BDSM suspension Scene with an infant in the room, but gentle quiet sex is NOT going to "traumatize" an infant.

Once they can talk and may wake up, it's probably best to have them in their "big boy" or "big girl" bed while you have sex.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
Originally posted by MJ7
Babies may not have memories the way adults have them, but their brains are still capable of being traumatized by certain events.
Yes, babies can be traumatized but this mainly manifests through their attachment. Babies who are neglected or, as P'Gell said, left alone when they need something, learn to be mistrustful of their primary caregiver and do not form a secure attachment. They're not traumatized by their parents having sex in the same room unless it leads to neglect of the baby.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
Originally posted by Falsepast
It's been stated by doctors that THAT could SERIOUSLY traumatize the baby if it wakes up. Even if they don't consciously remember it, it will mess with there head.
I'm going to call massive bull shit on that. Please site your sources.
Contributor: brevado brevado
Baby? Sure. Infant, eh...
Contributor: married with children married with children
we did when out kids where babies and still sleeping in our room.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
No, it just makes me uncomfortable. Do I think that it would traumatize them? No, not necessarily, it's just my own personal hangup and one that's giving me anxiety just reading this thread.
Contributor: EdenUser EdenUser
I don't think that's a good idea.
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
I don't know if a baby under eight months is a blank slate or not, but I hardly think love-making is traumatizing for a baby or even a toddler. It's an intimate expression of love — where's the horror in that? The parents are more likely to be traumatized by all the "what are you doing?" questions (from a 2 or 3 year old) than the kid is for seeing healthy, loving sex between parents.
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
Our kids were all in our room until they were 4-6months old, if we wanted to have sex we did it. Didn't traumatize them at all.
Contributor: J5ive J5ive
Why not
Contributor: SavingMyself SavingMyself
We don't have kids yet, but yes if our baby is sleeping in the same room with us, I would be perfectly fine having sex if they were asleep. The baby is not going to remember and as noted by someone else, if they can't see you , you don't exist at that point.
Contributor: LadyRelentless LadyRelentless
I had sex with a 2 year old sleeping not very far away once. She slept right thru it.

I think growing up thinking sex is a dirty thing your parents can't talk about or even do is way worse then the possibility of hearing your parents blissful moans.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
We don't have kids yet, but as long as they are young enough and asleep, I don't see a problem with it.
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Originally posted by Istanbull
We recently had a baby and she will not have sex with me because one reason... the baby is sleeping in the same room.

I tell her it's perfectly natural and why should we be ashamed of th every thing that gave us the baby. Besides, ... more
I don't have a baby. but I said no. I don't even have sex with animals in the room.
Contributor: Leather & Lace Leather & Lace
I wouldn't be able to do it.
Contributor: thebest thebest
Contributor: jr2012 jr2012
I do not have a baby, but if I did I would be weirded out by it too! I know it's totally mental and the baby will never recognize what's happening, but it is too weird to think that my parents may have done it with me in the room. I couldn't pass that thought on to my own kids
Contributor: April Lewis April Lewis
it happens and i think its fine until they get to that age where they do everything your doing haha

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