Sex when you don't feel well

Contributor: mistressg mistressg
It depends.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Silverdrop
When I'm sick, especially with a cold, I don't want to be touched. Don't want to masturbate. Don't want to even think about it. I remember one time with my ex, I had completely lost my voice, and he decided he was in the mood. Since I ... more
Not if my stomach is bothering me because sex makes it worse. If I'm sick with a cold or something, I'll be OK with sex unless I'm so sick that I'm dizzy. I hate that fatigue, lethargy that comes with head colds though It depends on how bad it is, but sometimes I might. We don't have much sex when we're sick.
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
Originally posted by Silverdrop
When I'm sick, especially with a cold, I don't want to be touched. Don't want to masturbate. Don't want to even think about it. I remember one time with my ex, I had completely lost my voice, and he decided he was in the mood. Since I ... more
Really depends on how sick I am / what I am sick with. . .
Contributor: roskat roskat
If I'm sick I'm not exactly feeling very sexy. So it's kind of a turn-off.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
Sometimes I get really horny when I'm sick and have been lying in bed all day and masturbation is the key. Reminds me of that FRIENDS episode where Monica has a bad cold and keeps trying to seduce Chandler.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
If I'm contagious, no thanks.
Contributor: QSBybakd QSBybakd
Depends entirely on what it is. Orgasms help migraines and other forms of malaise, but if it were, say, the stomach flu I think it would be a no-go.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Silverdrop
When I'm sick, especially with a cold, I don't want to be touched. Don't want to masturbate. Don't want to even think about it. I remember one time with my ex, I had completely lost my voice, and he decided he was in the mood. Since I ... more
It depends...puking equals no sex. However, a cold is nothing.