Open about sexuality offline just as much as you are online?

Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
No one I know that is intereseted in Toy Talk. Bummer, so I use EF as my opportunity.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
I am pretty open, I am on Fetlife and this is a real pic of me so I incorporate meetings with people and things in real life.
Contributor: catsin catsin
I would like to find someone able to be open about all this stuff offline, but even my off and on partner isn't open about it. I feel secluded
Contributor: plaidvulva plaidvulva
I'm extremely open. If someone [I know] asks, I'll answer honestly.
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by SimpleTeaser
Do you have anyone that is open minded and doesn't mind discussing sex, toys, experiences, etc. offline? Or, are you only able to share these discussions with people online such as the EF forum?

This is one of the things I love about ... more
I feel like I get a lot of judgement when I talk about loving toys and experimenting with my day to day friends. It's kind of annoying so I stopped talking about it and just turned into a more private person when it comes to this.
Contributor: L&P3040 L&P3040
Sometimes I think I annoy people with how much I talk about sex.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I don't start the talk, but my friends know they can come to me when they have questions or need advice. I just don't start, since some people don't like hearing about it, and I respect that
Contributor: Emerlyn Emerlyn
Nope. My family's full of bigots, and there's really no reason to talk about it with my friends unless it's one of those 3 in the morning conversations.
Contributor: allehcat allehcat
I'm pretty open, and most people that know me are used to that, so I've found that friends will talk pretty candidly about sex and other things of that nature around me. It doesn't bother me at all, and I love that people feel like they're comfortable enough to share those things with me. My partner and I are especially open about these things, which is SO essential to our relationship. It SERIOUSLY helps to be vocal about sex!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I'm a very open person...but it seems like others aren't as much.
Contributor: LittleA LittleA
I voted a yes with a but. My partner is really the only one who knows how depraved I am but I'm a pretty sexually open person. There is nothing about my sexual wants needs and curiosities that I wouldn't tell him. Most people know the vast amount of sex toys and porn I have, but I keep my intimate relationships to myself. I don't really share a lot of what he and I do together, but don't keep it a complete secret either.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I am more open online.
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
Originally posted by SimpleTeaser
Do you have anyone that is open minded and doesn't mind discussing sex, toys, experiences, etc. offline? Or, are you only able to share these discussions with people online such as the EF forum?

This is one of the things I love about ... more
Everyone in real life would be surprised how open I am here.
Contributor: solitudinarian solitudinarian
Depends on who I'm talking to. If I get the feeling they don't want to hear it, I'll shut up, otherwise I can babble on for quite a while. Sex is a very interesting subject to me, so I enjoy talking about it.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Not really.
Online I have no problems being bold and open, but in real life I'm a little more secretive.
I guess if someone asked I'd tell them things, but I'd rather not.
Contributor: FriskyInFlorida FriskyInFlorida
only online
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by SimpleTeaser
Do you have anyone that is open minded and doesn't mind discussing sex, toys, experiences, etc. offline? Or, are you only able to share these discussions with people online such as the EF forum?

This is one of the things I love about ... more
Totally open. Ask away. If you see me in person or want to ask here or by email feel free.
Contributor: ginainohio ginainohio
i dont hide anything about me take me as i am
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Only with my friends - most of my old close friends have very little sexual experience, and they ask me for advice, and my new close friends are extremely sexual and the conversations get started that way.

I don't go around bragging on it, but I don't lie when asked a direct question.
Contributor: Greenleaf Greenleaf
I'm extremely close-mouthed about anything sexual (or anything about politics/religion) outside of extremely close friends in real life.
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
I lack shame to 90% of the people who know me.My grandparents and my fiance's family don't know about things, but most friends do.
Contributor: TransMarc TransMarc
Only with people I'm confident won't mock me or share what we've talked about to others. Or give me unwanted advices, etc.
Contributor: Love Obsessed Love Obsessed
I say too much about my sex life.I have had to censor myself.
Contributor: Claire-Bear Claire-Bear
If it's with people I'm close to, definitely. It's a part of life.
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
I'm very open about sex both online and off, I just wish more other people were.
Contributor: Collogue Collogue
Originally posted by SimpleTeaser
Do you have anyone that is open minded and doesn't mind discussing sex, toys, experiences, etc. offline? Or, are you only able to share these discussions with people online such as the EF forum?

This is one of the things I love about ... more
i'm pretty open about sexuality in general offline, though I prefer to keep most nitty gritty details to myself