Ladies, the better the sex, the less you want sex?

Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Meh, I think I want it more. Usually it's about the same, but if anything, more.
Contributor: Jesyra Jesyra
Originally posted by Istanbull
A woman posted in another thread "With a finger in my rear I cum so hard I don't need sex for a week." This got me wondering.

My wife has said to me before "If sex is great, then you should be satisfied. Since you're ... more
Not all sex drives work the same way. You can be completely satisified with the experience and want more 5 minutes later. That doesn't mean the sex wasn't satisfying, but there is a difference between being satiated and being satisfied.

Satiated means your need has been so fulfilled that you do not want more. Satisfied means that your need was met, but not necessarily to a point where you cannot partake of more.

High sex drives are not necessarily any less satisfied with great sex than low sex drives, but it takes more to satiate a high sex drive than a low sex drive. Individuals also measure satisfaction in different ways. Some measure it in quality, others in quantity, though I'd venture that it's often a bit of both.

It sounds like you wife is satiated easier than you, which makes this a case of non-matching sex drives. It isn't that she's wrong, or lieing about wanting/enjoying sex, but that she becomes satiated with a single experience whereas you do not.
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
the better it is the more i want it however with me and my boyfriend better usually entails very lengthy and rough sex which often leads to me worn out and/or sore so i do have to take a break every now and then to recover. ive even thought about buying a ice pack for my crotch for after rough sex lol
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
Holding off doesn't make it better in my experience. It just makes me miserable in the mean time.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Istanbull
A woman posted in another thread "With a finger in my rear I cum so hard I don't need sex for a week." This got me wondering.

My wife has said to me before "If sex is great, then you should be satisfied. Since you're ... more
The better it is, the more I want it.
Contributor: MidnightStorm MidnightStorm
Oh god no, the better it is the more I want it! If it's BAD then I don't want it and I'll just take care of myself.
Contributor: XxXxX XxXxX
Originally posted by Istanbull
A woman posted in another thread "With a finger in my rear I cum so hard I don't need sex for a week." This got me wondering.

My wife has said to me before "If sex is great, then you should be satisfied. Since you're ... more
If its great.. I cant get enough. If it is lacking, I could probably find something better to do.