I do it thru every period. It increases blood flow to the cramping areas and helps ease them.
Ladies do you masturbate on your period.
I can stimulate my clit whether or not I have a tampon in or am wearing a pad, so usually do (no muss, no fuss!). It is sometimes the best relief for terrible period pain that not even prescription painkillers can help with.
Yes I do, and it does make my period go by so much faster.
depends on if it is a heavy time if it is then no but light yes
I'm more likely to be a lot more horny then, plus it helps you to finish your period faster.
Originally posted by
I have seen many posts about people saying that they have sex on their period but I was wondering do you masturbate on your period..
huh...i've gotten to a point where i'm okay with my period, and just clean up after sometimes it's necessary!
I usually feel horny about 18 hours into my period so that's a time I might pleasure myself, but by day two I'm always heavy so masturbation would be the last thing on my mind.
I have a few times but only at the end and when I'm spotting
I masturbate/have sex on my period a lot.
It relieves cramps and for whatever reason, the blood doesn't bother me at all.
It relieves cramps and for whatever reason, the blood doesn't bother me at all.