If you were dating someone (pre-coitus) and they informed you that they never have sex, they only "make love," what would your reaction be?

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Heck my life partner said that to me before we got together but it was just his ineperience talking. My boy loves to fuck! I just had to teach him. Still a man tells me he won't take no for an answer and I'll never say yes. He'll also have trouble walking without pain should he try to force me....
Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
It really depends on the guy saying the line in my opinion.
Contributor: Kiwi Kiwi
that's kind of weird. I'm pretty sure I'd roll my eyes at them.
Contributor: sbon sbon
I would probably think it's corny, but I wouldn't break up with them over it.
Contributor: RemusHalifax RemusHalifax
If they're being genuine, that says a lot about their character. I think I would appreciate it, because I like it when people can appreciate sex for the emotional aspects of it. I might be worried that he was a little to sappy or didn't share the same sexual desires as me, but as long as we were compatible emotionally and sexually, I think it would be great.
Contributor: KnK KnK
...I've never met anyone who actually uses that term seriously, minus maybe my mother. I prefer the word fuck
Contributor: C4ss C4ss
It depends on how it is said and who is saying it but I would probably think it's pretty cheesy. I wouldn't break up over it, though.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Just to clarify my view:

Just me, I'd rather have sex with someone I love, than someone I did not care strongly for. Not that I have anything against those who have different looks on this. To each there own. Just my thoughts, which are ... more
Your thoughts are meaningful, but I can see you made sure not to offend anybody.
Contributor: rdytogo rdytogo
It would be cheesy, but they would be my cheeseball.
Contributor: anonymouse anonymouse
Originally posted by Tart
Does making love include a choke hold and a hard spanking? Ooh... no? Then you probably aren't the one for me.
Nothing says "I love you, and this emotional connection" then rope burns and being called a whore.
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
not good. either a line, which i don't appreciate someone being fake. or for real in which we would not be sexually compatible. Making love with the one you are in love with is wonderful when the circumstances are right at the moment.
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
wait, wouldn't that mean that they wouldn't put out until we were in love?
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
I'd giggle and put on some Barry Manilow.
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
I'd probably roll my eyes.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
wait until its love not just sex for/in the relationship
Contributor: ana123 ana123
My boyfriend, before we had sex, said he was waiting for marriage. That didn't happen. So I dont always believe what people first tell me. I think in a good relationship theres a good amount of "making love" but also a good amount of just having sex.
Contributor: celibacysucks celibacysucks
Originally posted by anonymouse
Nothing says "I love you, and this emotional connection" then rope burns and being called a whore.
Ya know, I agree with this. It takes a lot of trust to put yourself in that position for someone. I'd imagine, much more than can be obtained via casual sex....for most people.
Contributor: KikiChrome KikiChrome
I'm not going to vote on this one either, just because I don't think any one option would cover all the possibilities. It would really depend on how he said it and what else came out in that conversation.

Generally though, I'd assume he was either: very sexually inexperienced; lying because he thought it would impress me; or a creep. Love and attachment has its place, but I don't want a heartsick stalker, a player, or someone who calls something "love" when he really means "control". I've met all of those guys before.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Naughty Student
Yeah, the intonation changes everything. If it is said honestly I would dig it but if he said it in a matter of factly manner raising his eyebrows with a little snickering type of smile...I would think he was a douche.
I agree with these ladies but I would also be worried this person is super naive and only into missionary. )=
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
SUPER Cheesy is the perfect word for that. I want a man who likes to fuck, make love and everything inbetween!
What she said! I love making love too, but I also appreciate a mind-blowing fuck in with the mix.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
I would laugh my ass off. I think that phrase is terribly cheesy.
Contributor: sarki sarki
They are more than likely feeding me what they think I want to hear
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
SUPER Cheesy is the perfect word for that. I want a man who likes to fuck, make love and everything inbetween!
i second this.
Contributor: Illumin8 Illumin8
If I didn't know the person very well, I'd be unsure of whether or not they were being serious...
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by celibacysucks
No sex, just love
really honestly would depend when iw as first with my better half he told me theres a huge differance and if i didnt have that kind of connection like i have with him i so would laugh for sure
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I think it would depend on the guy, how long we'd been dating, and what the circumstances were when he told me. If we'd only been dating for a short time, and he seemed experienced, I would assume he was saying what he thought I wanted to hear just to get laid, so I'd probably be out of there (after the date was over). If we had been dating a while, enough to trust each other and he seemed genuine, I'd want to talk to him more about it.