how old were you when you lost your virginity? what it a good expirience?

Contributor: squire squire
21. Made far too big a deal of losing my virginity, which also made the actual experience a disappointment. The girl was super sweet/excited and I wouldn't really change anything other than to have been ready to give it away sooner.
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Originally posted by mrs.mckrakn
just curious...
16. Not the greatest sex I've had
Contributor: Wonderstruck Wonderstruck
I was 15 and turning 16 that week.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
I was 14, he was 17, and it could have been better. It was with a guy who really had no idea how to get a girl off. It was fun, but it took my next partner to be able to get me off. Didn't help things that the first guy had been scared off of eating girls out by an unexpected squirting experience.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
It was an okay experience. Nothing mind-blowing or fantastic. I did it just cause I was curious, mostly.
Contributor: Cat E. Cat E.
I was 14 and it was an alright experience. Certainly nothing to brag about.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by mrs.mckrakn
just curious...
14 and it shouldnt have happen i regreted it
Contributor: glasskitten glasskitten
Originally posted by Yoda
14 to 20 is a huge gap. It's the difference between sexually mature, and sexually immature, as well as legal and not legal. I'm not sure that anyone choosing that category should be considered part of the same group.
I agree that it's a huge age gap!
Contributor: T&L T&L
I was 17, she was 38. Had the time of my life(up until then anyway), she taught me a lot and I enjoyed every bit of it!
Contributor: T&L T&L
Originally posted by Waterfall
I have a few guy friends who had sex their first time with a much older woman. Is this common or is it just my friends lol?
I was 17 and she was 38, so in my case it was common
Contributor: Neotigress Neotigress
Originally posted by mrs.mckrakn
just curious...
I was too young and just too curious about what all the hoopla was.
Contributor: AwesomeAmanda AwesomeAmanda
I was 17. It was not great sex but it wasn't a bad experience.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
18, I just wasn't that into her but I was desperate. :< It wasn't that bad though.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by mrs.mckrakn
just curious...
Regrettably young.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
126 and it hurt because he didn't "pop" my cherry that night. The next night he realized what had happened.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Just last month (age 23). It was quite a lovely experience. I wouldn't say mind-blowing, but extremely pleasant nonetheless.

I still get warm-and-fuzzy, hot-and-bothered whenever I think about it.

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