Have you ever had to stop during the middle of sex?

Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by WD40watcher
Have you ever had to just stop have sex in the middle of it because it was just too uncomfortable for you?
For a variety of reasons...not always comfort based. Like rude interruptions, not finishing because we were too tired, etc.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by amandaco2011
Yes because he had to pee.
LOL. Sometimes I have to pee and don't know how to say "you're pushing on my bladder!"
Contributor: bsgs bsgs
the only reason weve had to stop in the middle was because of kids
Contributor: Azule Azule
Yup, whenever we're in the middle of a position that started as a good idea but ended in awkward limbs falling asleep and cramping.
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
More than once, unfortunately. Numerous times while being pregnant, a few times when I've accidentally "injured" my husband (apparently when I get carried away I tend to unwittingly hammer his boys), and the first few times after my son was born, just because I wasn't ready yet.

Oh, and on occasion when the in-laws decide that they need something.
Contributor: Ilovelingerie Ilovelingerie
Originally posted by WD40watcher
Have you ever had to just stop have sex in the middle of it because it was just too uncomfortable for you?
No I haven't.

But I have had to stop in the middle of sex for other reasons
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Not really, but my hubby doesn't take that long to finish so we don't have to worry about it.
Contributor: brevado brevado
Cramps or pain from twisting and contorting, or something else
Contributor: sexykiss sexykiss
yeah because of cramps or uncomfortableness, i dont get cramps alot but my gf does
Contributor: Cora Jane Cora Jane
I've never had to stop because it was uncomfortable, but we've been interrupted and had to stop for other reasons.
Contributor: Badass Badass
not often at all, but occasionally.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Originally posted by WD40watcher
Have you ever had to just stop have sex in the middle of it because it was just too uncomfortable for you?
Yes, We have had to stop, but we didn't stop and call it quits. We just stopped readjusted ourselves and then went back to it.
Contributor: SexyRayne SexyRayne
I have chatted with some friends lately and it seems they have to stop more to prolong the session (to keep from cumming) than for other reasons.
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Originally posted by WD40watcher
Have you ever had to just stop have sex in the middle of it because it was just too uncomfortable for you?
I just roll with the punches!
Contributor: John E W John E W
It's happened a time or so!
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Yes, it has happened before.
Contributor: MsDrProfKitty MsDrProfKitty
it happens sometimes...I've had to stop because of cramps before and one time I had to stop because earlier that day my now ex played with pepper spray, got it on his fingers, and then fingered me several hours later (I didn't know before hand that he'd had pepper spray of course). Even though it was several hours after him playing with pepper spray and he'd washed his hands several times before meeting up with me it was still on his hands. Most unhappy vagina ever.
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
Uncomfortable how? o.o;
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
Sometimes it happens.
Contributor: ne1469694u ne1469694u
Originally posted by WD40watcher
Have you ever had to just stop have sex in the middle of it because it was just too uncomfortable for you?
Contributor: KinkyNicki92 KinkyNicki92
I did when I was pregnant but not now