are you always well groomed down there?

Contributor: SparklingReviews SparklingReviews
I am always groomed. Occasionally I will get a little stubble but when I do I shave it. I really can't stand pubic hair on myself, its not a sexy thing... I just don't like the feeling of it on me.
Contributor: ParisLove ParisLove
Contributor: mcl272 mcl272
always! i'll shave atleast every week! i hate hair down there!
Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
Honestly I am always shaved. I dont even know how I would look with a bush.
Contributor: SaMiKaY SaMiKaY
I usually shave right after my period stops.

It gets a little hairy down there, but I never let it get to full muff status.

Now that I am on Depo, I don't get my periods anymore so I have to gauge. *looks down* I am thinking it's just about time!
Contributor: ButterflyKisses92 ButterflyKisses92
In the beginning of my relationship (almost a year in now) I was meticulous about being shaved all over. He's the first person I ever had sex with...and I was so afraid that he'd be turned off if I wasn't perfectly smooth. Eventually, he mentioned that he didn't care so much. If he tried to surprise sex me, I would insist on showering because I felt like I needed to shave. He told me once that he loved every part of me and didn't care if I was shaved or not. He was just as turned on either way. As time has gone on...I've gotten somewhat lazy about it. I like to be shaved, but it gets to be an awful lot of effort.
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
I try my best to keep myself well groomed.
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
Depends. Sometimes I get lazy but it never gets too out of control. lol. I prefer clean shaven/waxed but truth be told it's not always perfect like that.
Contributor: prettysilly prettysilly
Originally posted by ButterflyKisses92
In the beginning of my relationship (almost a year in now) I was meticulous about being shaved all over. He's the first person I ever had sex with...and I was so afraid that he'd be turned off if I wasn't perfectly smooth. Eventually, he ... more
Ah! I'm in a similar sort of position now. I originally was completely shaved, up until my guy (my first) told me that I didn't need to do all of that work just for him. I guess we're told through media that that is how we're supposed to be... but really it ends up being a personal thing
Contributor: jj1228 jj1228
I always try to stay well shaved for my wife. She is the same and has me shave her.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
It truly depends.. if i've had a crazy week sometimes i forget, but most of the time i'm groomed well.
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
I'd say for the most part yes, there are some days where I'm lazy
Contributor: sweetart sweetart
I usually don't shave when I'm not getting any lol but my natural grown out looks more trimmed than bushy.
Contributor: Girly Girl Girly Girl
i always shave
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Pretty much. Sometimes it gets a bit out of hand, but not often
Contributor: Katastophy Katastophy
If I could, I would shave all the time, but if the hair is too short, it will make me bleed no matter what. I have to wait at least a week and a half to two weeks before I can shave again, which really irritates me. ):
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I trim with hair clippers, to keep it short. If I could afford laser hair removal, I'd clean up the hair around my ass and vulva, but leave it on my mons. I don't like shaving because I hate the itchy prickly growing back stage.
Contributor: robertk2380 robertk2380
Usually keep myself neatly trimmed and my wife recently commented on how much she likes it that way.

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