What do you like best or do most often? (please explain in detail below if you feel like sharing)
When getting off solo
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What really gets me off on occasion I get a long solo session is to have a picture of a woman in a short/skirt dress with nice legs and a video clip or two of a close-up of a woman giving a blowjob and another video clip of a woman usually riding a guy cowgirl or reverse cowgirl. I really get turned on imagining that I am both of them. Kind of kinky and crazy I know but it really turns me on during those occasions when I am going solo and have the time
I really like reading erotica.
Sometimes I read erotica to get in the mood, but not during the act. I prefer watching porn or using my imagination
I like erotica. but also porn videos, and my good old fashioned imagination.
I like looking at bondage pictures and letting my mind wander about how the person got into that situation--and how they're getting out.
I like visual things, though not pictures. Videos of whatever tickle my fancy at the time, or erotica.
I like visuals. Videos work best for me, but once I get my visual going, I can continue it myself, my imagination is pretty rampant.
I frequently read erotica to get my body and mind in the mood, then put it aside and use my imagination.
I like to read erotica to get in the mood, but during the act, I prefer videos.
Phone sex with my partner.
The majority of the time I'm in bed just focusing on the feelings all around, seeing if a new motion/speed/etc makes a difference.
All of the above + reading sex stories on the Internet.
Most often I use my imagination. Because of my fetish going with the physical feelings isn't enough to arouse me. At other times I watch or read porn with my fetish in it.
The "like best" part of the question would be video or picture. The "do most often" part would be, as Dusk said, "I really like reading erotica."
Originally posted by
What do you like best or do most often? (please explain in detail below if you feel like sharing)
Majority of the time I'm watching videos of women doing the same thing. I think I like my visual aides to mimic what I'm doing. Masturbation for masturbation, sex for sex, etc.
Often I just listen to my body and follow what it's feeling. I get turned on by weird little things sometimes. Fantasizing, porn, and erotica are also good Oh and dancing sexily and putting on lingerie's great!
usually I try to think of something my partner did to me previously or maybe something ive always wanted to try
Originally posted by
What do you like best or do most often? (please explain in detail below if you feel like sharing)
Erotic stories are better for me, as my imagination gets me hotter than visual aids, and they provide plenty inspiration.
I mostly just like using my imagination although have watched vidoes and looked at pictures before.
I may start with some sort of visual stim, but the best is when my mind takes over.
My imagination is the best for me, but sometimes I'll read erotic stories or watch porn, as well.
It really depends a lot on where I am and how much time I have
imagination, phone sex, texting, erotica and porn.

Me too!
Originally posted by
I mostly just like using my imagination although have watched vidoes and looked at pictures before.
My imagination and reading erotica most often.
Strangely enough I don't usually think about sexual acts during my personal time.
I've never tried to read erotica, but maybe I should.
I'm super picky about my porn, too. Sometimes it takes me longer to find the right video than it does to get off.
I'm super picky about my porn, too. Sometimes it takes me longer to find the right video than it does to get off.
I like reading sexual scenes.
Definitely watching some porn, concentrating on my feelings and checking out vids of my husband.