I don't remember, which kind of makes me sad. I know I tried for a long time before I actually had one.
I was in the seventh grade. I had been looking at porn and watching porn for quite a few years before, but I never tried touching myself. One day I got a porn magazine from my brothers stash, and started playing with my erection. After a while I had the most intense feeling that I had ever had before, and I shot cum all in my underwear. The first time kind of hurt a bit, in a good way. That scared me a little bit, and I told myself that I wouldn't do that again. The next day I got home and found another magazine, and this became a ritual for pretty much the rest of my life. I learned pretty quickly how many times I could do it in a day.
I was wondering if you wouldn't mind chatting with me. I have some questions. Thanks.
Originally posted by
Dame Saphir
I never had a real orgasm until a few months ago when I was 18 (I'm 19 now). I'm sure I had strong moments of arousal, but nothing like what I get now. It was with my current boyfriend, who I had been having sex with for a month or two
I never had a real orgasm until a few months ago when I was 18 (I'm 19 now). I'm sure I had strong moments of arousal, but nothing like what I get now. It was with my current boyfriend, who I had been having sex with for a month or two already. Then one night, everything was perfect and spontaneously romantic and WAPOW! Well...hey there... Sex is so much more fantastic since then, and we've gotten better and better at making that happen
me either :[
Originally posted by
I've still never had one.
I'm still not sure if I've ever orgasmed. I've definitely never done it by myself, I really have a hard time enjoying masturbating, all the partners I've ever been with are much better at fingering me then I am myself.
Originally posted by
Tell the story of your first orgasm? Do you remember it?
Was it on purpose/by accident? With a lover or by yourself?
Was it on purpose/by accident? With a lover or by yourself?
I think I may have orgasmed with my boyfriend a few times, but I honestly don't know. How do you know? I feel so lost.
I wish I could remember! I know I was 10 or 11 at the time. Didn't ever slow down after it first happened!
I've never thought about this...I can't recall when my first one was but since I can only get myself off, I'm certain I was by myself.
I was around 3 or 4. I was a very stressed out child, and couldn't sleep without it (it still took me more than an hour to sleep even after orgasming). At the time, I thought it was a way to keep nightmare and monsters away. I even made myself came twice or more the same night when I was very stressed out.

I was by myself about 12 or 13 years old. A male cousin had told me how he would rub his cock against the sheets or pillow until it felt real good. After he left, I tried it, humped around on the bed and pillow, it was feeling strange, and kind of nice,then all of a sudden, I ejaculated forcefully, scared the hell out of me ! My mom was in the kitchen only 15 feet away, even though I had the door closed she must've heard my exclamation, and came to the door and asked if I was ok.....I wasn't sure, thought I broke something and really was not going to tell her that's for sure. We were fairly strict and never spoke of anything sexual.
Originally posted by
I was around 3 or 4. I was a very stressed out child, and couldn't sleep without it (it still took me more than an hour to sleep even after orgasming). At the time, I thought it was a way to keep nightmare and monsters away. I even made myself
I was around 3 or 4. I was a very stressed out child, and couldn't sleep without it (it still took me more than an hour to sleep even after orgasming). At the time, I thought it was a way to keep nightmare and monsters away. I even made myself came twice or more the same night when I was very stressed out.

My first orgasm is a long story. I was at home alone one day using one of those really powerful vibration feet massagers. After about 20 mins of my feet vibrating like crazy, I noticed my sick getting hard and tingling. I let my feet vibrate on full power for another 20 mins. I started getting curious as what would happen if I felt the powerful vibrations on my dick. I then reclined the recliner all the way back placed the feet massager on top of my dick in my lap. OMG!! Best choice I ever made in my life!! I turned it on closed my eyes and was in total ecstasy! This thing was vibrating my whole mid section like crazy and it was an amazing sensation. The orgasm was so powerful and long I turned the massager on full blast and played back for about 45 mins while this thing was vibrating me into orgasm after orgasm.
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