Can you get pregnant having anal sex?

Contributor: AbbyLover AbbyLover
Originally posted by VieuxCarre
There is a very small percent chance of getting pregnant from anal sex. I was worried about a pregnancy after I was raped anally when I was 16 without protection. I think the chance of that ever happening is like 5%, but I'm not entirely ... more
IM sorry about what happend when you were 16 that's really sad
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
it's highly unlikely that you become pregnant, the sperm (like everyone else said) would have to drip out and make it's way to the vagina. As a side note, it is imperative that you use protection when having sex anally anyway because the anus is a bacteria infected area that makes it very easy to contract infections, the lining of the anus is also super thin and not self lubricating so it tears easily, creating more pathways for infection.
Contributor: extrafun extrafun
Im going to say only if you miss on a stroke and hit the wrong hole
Contributor: Fawkes Fawkes
Originally posted by kendycane
What do you all think? Is there a risk?
no unless things travel