These days I don't have many chances to come by EF, but I always pop by when I get an inbox alert that someone left a comment on a review. Getting a comment on an old review used to mean there was a relevant question being posed - but now? It's just "Thanks" or some form of "thanks for the review". I don't mean to sound curmudgeonly, and I really do appreciate people reading my review...but it seems like something has gotten lost in translation, and real questions are now much more easily overlooked (I don't look to see comments when I get alerts anymore!)
I assume people do this for points, so I actually have a real suggestion about how this could be made better. Perhaps we could have a little "Thanks" button, or appreciation comment box, or something different that gives people a way to earn their points, show their appreciation, but NOT swamp out genuine questions. Just an idea!
Keep up the awesomeness otherwise.
I assume people do this for points, so I actually have a real suggestion about how this could be made better. Perhaps we could have a little "Thanks" button, or appreciation comment box, or something different that gives people a way to earn their points, show their appreciation, but NOT swamp out genuine questions. Just an idea!
Keep up the awesomeness otherwise.