Would you buy a male outfit if Eden carried them?

Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
I notice some neat getups for the women. Some sexy cop and dancer outfits. There are not any for Males. So my dream of being a cop has slowly died... I understand this is not a costume shop, but it would be great to see some outfits for men ... more
id buy one bu really doesnt effect me either way
Contributor: PuddlePuppy PuddlePuppy
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
I notice some neat getups for the women. Some sexy cop and dancer outfits. There are not any for Males. So my dream of being a cop has slowly died... I understand this is not a costume shop, but it would be great to see some outfits for men ... more
What outfits would there be for men?
The outfits for women are largely representative of the things they are emplifying, rather than actually emplifying them.
I cant think of an outfit for a guy that doesn't consist of perhaps themes boxers and a hat.
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
Originally posted by [Red]
Something classy and sexy, mmn.

If there was a butler outfit, I'd buy that for myself.
Ohhh a butler outfit. That would be cool.
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
I would be happy to wear any outfit she would want to see me in. She dresses up for me, so I would certainly do it for her. Given the fact that we turn the lights off when I get naked, I doubt we'll be getting any outfits for me any time soon. (I own a mirror, I understand)
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I don't think an outfit on my man would do anything for me. It'd probably just crack me up. lol
Contributor: sexydelphia sexydelphia
if there was something sexy i would definitely try to get my boyfriend to wear it
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
Aside from outfit, it would be nice to see some sexy bedwear, too. Maybe some silky jammies?