Are you going to take advantage of the Wish Sexy promotion?

Contributor: Chirple Chirple
Just used the WISH30.

It ended up amounting to being buy two get one free before the gift card.
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
I am definitely using a code or two, I have a few things I want to get. I'm mainly interested in a harness, some O-rings, and maybe one or two harness-friendly dildos (the O2 Adam is the only one I currently have that should be really compatible). I'd also like to get some BDSM supplies, like a Wartenburg wheel, maybe an impact toy or two, maybe some clamps, etc. I'm determined to start making my own leather, though, so things like cuffs I want to wait and make myself.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I plan on using wish30 once I make up my mind what item I "have to have" G-Ki or Uma. Waiting on an Uma review. I already know the few smaller bondage items I want and maybe a lingerie piece or two.
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
I will be using wish30 if it is still active once I have decided what to buy. That's the problem- too many options.
Contributor: married with children married with children
yes, will place a order next week sometime.
Contributor: LostBoy988 LostBoy988
Edens has sales often enough that I can use them in the future.
Contributor: LoveDove LoveDove
Originally posted by potstickers
Do you plan on using any of the sale codes? More than one?
I took advantage of the 15% off on the Picobong Honi. (I also had some EdenPoints I'd been saving up that let me get it as a Christmas Present for myself. )
Contributor: catgirl9 catgirl9
I'm going to use the 30% if what I want comes back in stock soon. If not, I might just get a some other stuff that I've been wanting and do a buyout later.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Its gone off the frontpage now
Contributor: SMichelle SMichelle
I took advantage of it -- multiple times.
Contributor: dv8 dv8
Originally posted by unfulfilled
Its gone off the frontpage now
The coupons expired on 12/23.