Not really, though it makes me a little happy.
Do the free product deals make you want to make a purchase?
Yeah, sometimes.
Sometimes, although mostly I plan ahead what to buy and anything extra is a pleasant surprise. I always try to add wipes though, I love those.
It really depends on the toy
![Contributor: table38792](
Agree it depends on the product. Somethings I don't really feel like I need or want, even if they're free. I have to decide case by case.
yes it makes me want to order
If it is something I want then I will go ahead and make a purchase. It used to make me get things all the time, but I have gotten sick of getting junk that doesn't work for me, so I am more reluctant to just get whatever because it is free.
It really depend on what the gift is. I don't like the mystery gifts.
who doesnt like free stuff
Oh yes, big time for me, Valentines week was fantastic and always look forward to the wipes everytime I order. I recently got a free inexpensive cinch harness that had a large enough O ring for my Maverick which worth more to me than anything else I've received so far.
Totally depends on the free product. If it is something I have or am not interested in then no it doesn't make a difference. If it is something I am interested in, I will go ahead and make a purchase I was putting off or look for something else to buy to the to the spending limit to get the gift.
Often the toy freebies do not interest me. I enjoy the free wipes with purchase though. A free t-shirt would definitely prompt an order. I don't want to pay for an item that advertises for a company,but if it was free, I'd wear it.
I assume free products are crap.
Not really.
I love getting free things. No matter if i like it or not. Its not like i wasted money on it.
Not really, They've always ended up being shitty for me
I love discounts but free products do nothing for me. Because I know I would never buy something like that.