someone thinking of me and calling or writing without prompting from me. that and hagendass and flowers of course. oh and cunnilingus would never be denied!
#TheMood - Brighten Her Mood!
Bring me home some wine and deal with bath/bedtime for the kids and I'll be putty in your hands
Hearing one of my favorite bands (recently it's the group called fun.) Cheers me up. My husband can say really wacky stuff to get me laughing, and his hugs are really soothing. My pets make me really happy too.
Originally posted by
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day that doesn't work out the way you wanted. It could be something as simple as a friend canceling plans, finding out you can't afford the event tickets you'd longed for because of a surprise bill, or any number of things really. Of course, it's no surprise that sometimes what seems like a trivial thing can spiral into an outright "screw the world, I'm taking my ball and going home" kind of day. When these days happen, how do you like to be cheered up? Is there something special your partner does to lift your spirits? Would you rather they just leave you alone entirely?Do you have any special tricks to go from mom-mode to sexy-mode? Does knowing you have a stash of toys for some stress relief help alleviate the annoyances of the day?And to help brighten your/her mood, we're offering 30% off on all California Exotic toys! Woot! If that doesn't strike your fancy, head over to Eden Cafe to find out how to win a Zini Deux!
I like to be cheered up with just a hug and kiss from my Hubby
Just being around my wife brightens my day. She just has a calming effect on my and keeps me grounded. She's always behind me and there's something calming about that I guess.
Making others smile

I love getting hugs from my kids and I will never turn down a bouquet of flowers.
For me its a compliment followed by a massage
A romantic text from my man professing his mad love for me, just out of the blue! *Melt*
I love to get sweet nothings texted or messaged to me during the day. It really makes me grin, especially since my beau and I live so far away from each other.

Sometimes I just need to be left alone.
A kiss on my neck always brightens my day
My boyfriend and I both like to be left alone after a bad day. Nothing special, just need time to let go of whatever put us in a bad mood. I like to zone out and watch my favorite funny tv shows till I forget about what upset me.
Originally posted by
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day that doesn't work out the way you wanted. It could be something as simple as a friend canceling plans, finding out you can't afford the event tickets you'd longed for because of a surprise bill, or any number of things really. Of course, it's no surprise that sometimes what seems like a trivial thing can spiral into an outright "screw the world, I'm taking my ball and going home" kind of day. When these days happen, how do you like to be cheered up? Is there something special your partner does to lift your spirits? Would you rather they just leave you alone entirely?Do you have any special tricks to go from mom-mode to sexy-mode? Does knowing you have a stash of toys for some stress relief help alleviate the annoyances of the day?And to help brighten your/her mood, we're offering 30% off on all California Exotic toys! Woot! If that doesn't strike your fancy, head over to Eden Cafe to find out how to win a Zini Deux!
Take me to the lake. The lake always makes me feel better.
Some ways I like to cheer myself up are watching my favorite movies, go for a walk, be around family, listen to music, cook/bake are some of the ways I can cheer myself up..
Originally posted by
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day that doesn't work out the way you wanted. It could be something as simple as a friend canceling plans, finding out you can't afford the event tickets you'd longed for because of a surprise bill, or any number of things really. Of course, it's no surprise that sometimes what seems like a trivial thing can spiral into an outright "screw the world, I'm taking my ball and going home" kind of day. When these days happen, how do you like to be cheered up? Is there something special your partner does to lift your spirits? Would you rather they just leave you alone entirely?Do you have any special tricks to go from mom-mode to sexy-mode? Does knowing you have a stash of toys for some stress relief help alleviate the annoyances of the day?And to help brighten your/her mood, we're offering 30% off on all California Exotic toys! Woot! If that doesn't strike your fancy, head over to Eden Cafe to find out how to win a Zini Deux!
A nice cup of tea - it really is the cure for everything.
I find the best way to get me out of a funk is to either do something unexpected or something hilariously funny. Either way and I'm back in the saddle!
For me, I prefer intimacy, but - being a man - I'm pretty simple.
Originally posted by
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day that doesn't work out the way you wanted. It could be something as simple as a friend canceling plans, finding out you can't afford the event tickets you'd longed for because of a surprise bill, or any number of things really. Of course, it's no surprise that sometimes what seems like a trivial thing can spiral into an outright "screw the world, I'm taking my ball and going home" kind of day. When these days happen, how do you like to be cheered up? Is there something special your partner does to lift your spirits? Would you rather they just leave you alone entirely?Do you have any special tricks to go from mom-mode to sexy-mode? Does knowing you have a stash of toys for some stress relief help alleviate the annoyances of the day?And to help brighten your/her mood, we're offering 30% off on all California Exotic toys! Woot! If that doesn't strike your fancy, head over to Eden Cafe to find out how to win a Zini Deux!
For her, it can range from being left alone to doing some of those chores she might not have expected me to do, having some surprise flowers when she gets home, or just letting her vent. The trick is knowing which one will make her feel better, and that is an art.
Honestly, just spending time with someone I love cheers me up. It doesn't have to be a lover even, just someone that cares about me, wants to be around me.
Bright sunny mornings cheer me up too. ^.^
Bright sunny mornings cheer me up too. ^.^
Little things cheer me up. A note that makes me laugh works every time.
Loud heavy metal music and crazy dancing always brightens my day and lifts my mood. A little headbanging can do wonders!
When the worst of the worst days happen I generally find there is very little that can cheer me up. My girls (dogs) play a large role in lifting my spirits. No matter how crabby I get they always come up to me and give me a big slobbery kiss or my big on will do something completely off the wall that will at least cause me to crack a smile.
Originally posted by
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day that doesn't work out the way you wanted. It could be something as simple as a friend canceling plans, finding out you can't afford the event tickets you'd longed for because of a surprise bill, or any number of things really. Of course, it's no surprise that sometimes what seems like a trivial thing can spiral into an outright "screw the world, I'm taking my ball and going home" kind of day. When these days happen, how do you like to be cheered up? Is there something special your partner does to lift your spirits? Would you rather they just leave you alone entirely?Do you have any special tricks to go from mom-mode to sexy-mode? Does knowing you have a stash of toys for some stress relief help alleviate the annoyances of the day?And to help brighten your/her mood, we're offering 30% off on all California Exotic toys! Woot! If that doesn't strike your fancy, head over to Eden Cafe to find out how to win a Zini Deux!
Other than that chocolate time to cool off are all that really work. PLaying games can be a good distraction while my ire lessens.
Currently single so no partner to cheer me up. If I had one though just a hug and telling me things would be ok would definitely go a long way. I tend to be a very private individual so being alone is really my norm. When I am upset though I find I am my own worst enemy so I prefer others around me during those times. My stash of toys is awesome and yes it does tend to help me relax when nothing else really can.
simply speading time with my fiancee

when i find good deals when i go shopping or when i win something.
I watch old Pink Panther cartoons and bake something, like cookies, banana bread, brownies, etc. If I'm in a really bad mood, I usually end up cleaning.
I like to be alone for the most part when I've had a bad day.
I like to be alone for the most part when I've had a bad day.
Listen to music, that usually works.
I'm not going to lie.. I like to be left alone. ;x
Originally posted by
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day
We all have bad days. Sometimes, those bad days are worse than others and can change the course of our lives forever. If you've got blood running through your veins there's a really good chance that you're going to have at least one day that doesn't work out the way you wanted. It could be something as simple as a friend canceling plans, finding out you can't afford the event tickets you'd longed for because of a surprise bill, or any number of things really. Of course, it's no surprise that sometimes what seems like a trivial thing can spiral into an outright "screw the world, I'm taking my ball and going home" kind of day. When these days happen, how do you like to be cheered up? Is there something special your partner does to lift your spirits? Would you rather they just leave you alone entirely?Do you have any special tricks to go from mom-mode to sexy-mode? Does knowing you have a stash of toys for some stress relief help alleviate the annoyances of the day?And to help brighten your/her mood, we're offering 30% off on all California Exotic toys! Woot! If that doesn't strike your fancy, head over to Eden Cafe to find out how to win a Zini Deux!
If I'm in a bad mood I like to play video games and listen to music.

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and this is so true! I love to get cheered up with food... a simple tasty meal and Ill be right as rain in no time!

reeses peanut butter cups or a nap usually cheer me up