The world at large has so many things in it to enjoy and discover. All you have to do is reach out and take the chance to find out what's waiting for you.
Throughout our lives we are encouraged to explore our surroundings. When we were young, it was our duty to find new experiences and ask as many questions as we possibly could until our little brains understood the concept. As teenagers we challenged authority and explored the beginning trappings of relationships, both romantic and platonic. We developed a sense of who we are and what we like, what we don't like and catalog the things we're unsure about.
The game changes when we become adults. Or at least so it can seem...we're expected to be well-mannered, well-behaved, and ready to settle down and start good, successful paths in life. That's great and all, but if your marriage or relationship suffers because you aren't exploring what's available to you, what's the point of any of it?

Intimacy is the glue that holds a relationship together. Resorting to the same positions time and again, the same sounds, the same experience over and over again leads to a less-than-enthusiastic desire to continue being intimate with one another.
Exploring fantasies, whether vocally or physically can bring two people very close together. It can also rip them apart if not handled well. Rejecting or shaming a fantasy is a great way to make sure you never know if your partner has another fantasy in the wings that would better suit not only your personal boundaries, but your relationship boundaries as well. The key is compassion, honesty and communication that is not judgmental.
This week's theme is Expressions of Love: Explore Together. If there is a fantasy you've been holding onto for awhile, we encourage you to share it with your partner. Exploring all of those wonderful ways to achieve orgasm is its own brand of stress reliever. Nothing beats a good roll in the hay to calm those anxiety stricken nerves!
Think back on your past relationships, do you think it's easier or harder for you to express your wants now? What has helped you become confident enough to share your deepest desires? Maybe this was achieved through self-exploration or discussing ideas with your partner---whatever the case may be, tell us about it! We'll be posting your comments on Facebook throughout the week.
To help you get started, we're giving away baskets of Cake products on Eden Cafe this week!