So here is he situation, you go to use your favorite toy that you hastily put away last time you used it. This is what you find-
Oh SNAP!!! What do you do? Throw it away? However, it is your favorite, right?
Have no fear, your buddy Tim is here. For the first segment of tonights workshop, I thought I would show you how to not only fix this problem, but also show you how to prevent it. (For the most part)
First, we need to decide what that crap is. Mine has rust on it from letting water get inside the battery compartment, this could also be from humidity or even water based lube. Either way, this can be fixed and used again.
Now if it happens to be battery acid, you have to decide if the toy is worth saving. In most cases, it is not, it will depend on how much corrosion is there and your willingness to risk that corrosion getting on you bits. If you are willing to do the work and take the chance then please feel free to PM or email me and I will explain how to fix it.
So let’s look at the supplies needed-
You will need; WD-40, a rag or paper towels, some sandpaper or nail file, rubber/latex gloves (something to protect your hands), some safety glasses (not shown), a pencil and Dielectric grease (this can be found at most hardware/auto parts stores).
*note, during my discussion, contacts refer to the parts of the vibe that touch the batteries or the cap of some vibes.