How about 2 reviewers in the spotlight? One mentor and one protege? Not necessarily of each other, but I think that it would be neat if someone who is new on the scene and just blastin out quality reviews or has an interesting background or history was briefly spotlighted, kinda a whoa! Guess who joined Eden sort of thing. Not as much attention as the main spotlight person though. Or maybe if the spotlighted person is a mentor you can ask them if they have any new students that they would like to in turn spotlight.
For the person who has been here awhile I think it would work to have it once a month or bimonthly would get more people up and known. In exchange for som sort of points bonus they could accept or deny the position of fielding questions fom the rest of the community for 2 weeks.
For the person who has been here awhile I think it would work to have it once a month or bimonthly would get more people up and known. In exchange for som sort of points bonus they could accept or deny the position of fielding questions fom the rest of the community for 2 weeks.