Hello there, and welcome to our second month long Reviewers Spotlight! How this is going to work is that you have all month long to ask our wonderful reviewers questions. They'll answer when they can, and you can keep asking until the end of the month!
This month's spotlight features:
BBW Talks Toys
BBW Talks Toys went through the mentor progam and has written some amazing reviews, she also became a mentor to help others around the site and her video reviews are pretty rockin', too. So let's get this party started shall we?
A little introduction:
Hi! I'm BBW Talks Toys (or BBWTT for short!). I've been on Eden Fantasys for about 17 months. When I started up at EF, I'd been involved in the blogging community for a while, so I'd known that EF was an affordable and trustworthy place to purchase toys. I was doing a bit of shopping for Mr and I and, upon checkout, I saw the button that offered the chance to be a reviewer. After a brief chat with Mr, I clicked the button and began work.
My favorite review that I've ever written was for the MiMi. It definitely helped that I was in love with the toy to write it so easily. The hardest review I've ever written was for a book, "Please, Ma'am!" I really didn't enjoy the subject matter, so the stories were difficult to read, even on an analytical level.
If I were to give any piece of advice to a reviewer, new or old, is to be true to your voice. If you're not a smart-assy, funny, pun-loving person (or it doesn't come naturally to you in writing), don't try too hard to go there. If you ARE, don't try too hard to be clinical and analytical. There's room for all types here, and your voice is wonderful and unique!
This month's spotlight features:

BBW Talks Toys went through the mentor progam and has written some amazing reviews, she also became a mentor to help others around the site and her video reviews are pretty rockin', too. So let's get this party started shall we?
A little introduction:
Hi! I'm BBW Talks Toys (or BBWTT for short!). I've been on Eden Fantasys for about 17 months. When I started up at EF, I'd been involved in the blogging community for a while, so I'd known that EF was an affordable and trustworthy place to purchase toys. I was doing a bit of shopping for Mr and I and, upon checkout, I saw the button that offered the chance to be a reviewer. After a brief chat with Mr, I clicked the button and began work.
My favorite review that I've ever written was for the MiMi. It definitely helped that I was in love with the toy to write it so easily. The hardest review I've ever written was for a book, "Please, Ma'am!" I really didn't enjoy the subject matter, so the stories were difficult to read, even on an analytical level.
If I were to give any piece of advice to a reviewer, new or old, is to be true to your voice. If you're not a smart-assy, funny, pun-loving person (or it doesn't come naturally to you in writing), don't try too hard to go there. If you ARE, don't try too hard to be clinical and analytical. There's room for all types here, and your voice is wonderful and unique!