Second Annual Holiday Party! Thursday, December 29th @ 7pm EST

Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
ROFLOL - well, we'll be doing MegaTraveler and playing over Skype with video conference chatting. Should be ....interesting?
I don't know what that is but I don't wanna play unless I get to be a werewolf or a wizard or how about a werewolf wizard..
Contributor: Snozzberries Snozzberries
Originally posted by Jul!a
Huh. We had a few days that we were allowed to wear them, but otherwise they weren't allowed. Neither were coats, but I got away with it fairly often in the sections of the school that were freezing. When the one threatened to give me a ... more
Back when I went to school, trenchcoats were still allowed and we had a group of us that wore them all the time.

Thinking back, we were the school weirdos.
Contributor: GonetoLovehoney GonetoLovehoney
Originally posted by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
ROFLOL - well, we'll be doing MegaTraveler and playing over Skype with video conference chatting. Should be ....interesting?
Indeed, skype chatting makes everything interesting. I've never seen conference video calls though. It'd kill my 7 year old computer, it already protests when I play online apples to apples with friends on a voice call.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by GonetoLovehoney
"You're set upon by a mysterious frozen fog, it dulls your senses and even the lowest level monsters can get a hit in easier. Roll a D20, get higher than 15 to escape the fog."
My ex-husband used that extensively in his own RPG campaigns, too.
Contributor: LoveDove LoveDove
Originally posted by Jul!a
Huh. We had a few days that we were allowed to wear them, but otherwise they weren't allowed. Neither were coats, but I got away with it fairly often in the sections of the school that were freezing. When the one threatened to give me a ... more
We couldn't wear coats, but you could wear a hoodie or a sweater or a light jacket of some form. I actually had a teacher who would wear a snuggie to teach in!
Contributor: Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi
Originally posted by Kindred
We had Snowmageddon last year. It almost killed me shoveling all of it.
We had that last year too. 2 days in Feb where the whole city shut down because of 3 feet of snow. The whole time I just wondered where it all came from.
Contributor: IdyllWyld IdyllWyld
Originally posted by wrmbreze
I don't know what that is but I don't wanna play unless I get to be a werewolf or a wizard or how about a werewolf wizard..
Why do I get the image of a Lycan that looks like Harry Potter? LOL!
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
wheres the party at?
Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Originally posted by wrmbreze
I don't know what that is but I don't wanna play unless I get to be a werewolf or a wizard or how about a werewolf wizard..
Sorry - mostly humans like scouts and rogues and mercants and stuff like that. Think Star Wars meets RPG.

I am going to try and roll up a rogue that will be like Neal Cafferty in "White Collar".....currently on the right side of the law but has the skills for the wrong side.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by LilLostLenore
wheres the party at?
Right here Lilo lol.
Contributor: Snozzberries Snozzberries
Nudity, hats and RPGs? I am loving this chat so much.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
LMAO I'm listening to Pandora and the song Pussy by Rammstein just came on... I had no idea this song existed.
So much Rammstein love! They are a strange bunch indeed...
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
Originally posted by geliebt
Always!! Grrrrrrrrrr! Doesn't get unreasonably cold here though luckily, but definitely gets ridiculously hot! No fun at all.
No fun for sure, but at least you got lucky with winter I used to tolerate cold weather much better as I was a kid, but now it feels more and more uncomfortable each year! So great it's been at least around 25 degrees Fahrenheit these days... I'm almost happy
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by IdyllWyld
Why do I get the image of a Lycan that looks like Harry Potter? LOL!
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
Originally posted by LoveDove
We couldn't wear coats, but you could wear a hoodie or a sweater or a light jacket of some form. I actually had a teacher who would wear a snuggie to teach in!
Snuggies werent around when I went to high school
Contributor: Snozzberries Snozzberries
Originally posted by LilLostLenore
wheres the party at?

... or this thread. Either way is fine.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Kindred
We had Snowmageddon last year. It almost killed me shoveling all of it.
Took my husband 5 1/2 hours to clear off the driveway, and that was with 4 cars keeping most of the snow from being piled in it. We had a plow truck take like, 2 swipes down my street and that was before it finished snowing so for like, 3 weeks before it started melting we had an extra 4 feet to our driveway and enough room for 1 car down the road. I was pissed.
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
The MilkMade handcreme by Cake smells like cotton candy, I wanted to eat my hands off. I told my girlfriend about it, and she says, "The only one who is eat you is me." Ahahaha.
Contributor: annielou annielou
Originally posted by Starkiller87
Snuggies werent around when I went to high school
snuggies make me giggle..
Contributor: Snozzberries Snozzberries
Originally posted by geliebt
So much Rammstein love! They are a strange bunch indeed...
I saw them when they came to Vegas in concert a long time ago.

They are KAH RAAYZEE. And on fire. Literally.
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
Originally posted by IdyllWyld
Absolutely is a rare occurence but it does happen.
Amazing! I need to google it Thanks for mentioning!
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
hello everyone.
Contributor: IdyllWyld IdyllWyld
Hmmm...too cold to be naked here...not that I would be anyway...might be too scary!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Snozzberries
Back when I went to school, trenchcoats were still allowed and we had a group of us that wore them all the time.

Thinking back, we were the school weirdos.
My husband wore a trenchcoat in high school, but he wore it as an actual rain jacket. I wore mine to "make a statement" lol.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by geliebt
So much Rammstein love! They are a strange bunch indeed...
I'm very German and love German music. KMFDM... LOVE. Combichrist...ORGASM.
Contributor: GonetoLovehoney GonetoLovehoney
Originally posted by annielou
snuggies make me giggle..
They're backwards robes that don't even do that job well. I'd rather have an actual bathrobe...and a towel.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by Vanille
The MilkMade handcreme by Cake smells like cotton candy, I wanted to eat my hands off. I told my girlfriend about it, and she says, "The only one who is eat you is me." Ahahaha.
Really cute response.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Originally posted by Valentinka
No fun for sure, but at least you got lucky with winter I used to tolerate cold weather much better as I was a kid, but now it feels more and more uncomfortable each year! So great it's been at least around 25 degrees Fahrenheit these days... ... more
That is true! Provided you have good AC, you can just shut yourself inside and forget the heat outdoors XD
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I'm very German and love German music. KMFDM... LOVE. Combichrist...ORGASM.
I like Combichrist too my friend hooked me on them.

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