#10YearsOfEden - Eden Community Reunion / 10 Yr. Celebration! (July 26th 8pm EST)

Contributor: momoxd11 momoxd11
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Ugh! that's annoying.
it makes it even more annoying whe i dnt know what to buy
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by momoxd11
is this a site wide problem ?
Did it happen to you any where else?
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by momoxd11
thanks gary
No Problem!
Contributor: momoxd11 momoxd11
Originally posted by Gary
Did it happen to you any where else?
yea i was shopping for a bra n it redirected mme
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by momoxd11
yea i was shopping for a bra n it redirected mme
Whatever it is, we will get it fixed asap.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Curious lol. We broke EF! jk
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Well all, I think I'm going to try to read the rest of this chapter and then fall asleep to the show Lie to Me. I've enjoyed talking to you guys in the after party! Sweet dreams
Contributor: momoxd11 momoxd11
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Curious lol. We broke EF! jk
wwe probably did it got really crazy at abouy 10pm
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Well all, I think I'm going to try to read the rest of this chapter and then fall asleep to the show Lie to Me. I've enjoyed talking to you guys in the after party! Sweet dreams
Good night!!!
Contributor: Gary Gary
2am, I think its time for me to call it a night as well. Goodnight everyone, and thank you for making tonight such a great party!!!!!!
Contributor: Mochakaboom Mochakaboom
Wet dreams everyone.
Contributor: momoxd11 momoxd11
Originally posted by Gary
2am, I think its time for me to call it a night as well. Goodnight everyone, and thank you for making tonight such a great party!!!!!!
good night
Contributor: Vaccinium Vaccinium
Sweet dreams to Lauren and Gary. I'll try not to be so much of a stranger.
Contributor: butts butts
I missed the party because my boyfriend was playing Starcraft. Hahah, oh well.
Contributor: Crimson Vixen Crimson Vixen
Oh dear... I completely forgot about this. I was here all day too!!
Contributor: Upyourreviews Upyourreviews
Ooops... I fell asleep mid way through!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Storm knocked my Internet out last night. I was on page 70 when I left and look at it now, we made it all the way to 168. I'm going to have to find a long day to read this thread.
Contributor: lovekink lovekink
I only made it till about 10:30 last night. Thank you Eden for hosting such a great event. And all the sponsors that participated. This is such a great community!
Contributor: AHubbyof2SexualMinds AHubbyof2SexualMinds
Wow it sure went on for awhile last night, which is great. I stayed around as long as I could, but after a long day I was just so tired. Glad everyone had a great time.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
This was fun, but it moved so fast it was hard to keep up with everything.
Contributor: Gary A. Gary A.
Originally posted by Gary
Hello Everyone and welcome to the party! In honor of EdenFantasys 10th anniversary, we are celebrating this momentous occasion with our very first annual Community Reunion!This event will be taking place right here on this thread from 8PM to 11PM ... more
Congrats Eden Sorry I was not able to make it. Looks like I missed out on a lot of fun.
Contributor: Amber1w Amber1w
Originally posted by Gary A.
Congrats Eden Sorry I was not able to make it. Looks like I missed out on a lot of fun.
I had no power thanks to a horrible storm in my area, knocked down several big trees taking out power lines, I was so excited for this, waited all week for the celebration, Well happy 10th anniversary EF, I love this site and everything you do for me and others, Never been on a site that offered so much!! Thanks
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
Originally posted by Amber1w
I had no power thanks to a horrible storm in my area, knocked down several big trees taking out power lines, I was so excited for this, waited all week for the celebration, Well happy 10th anniversary EF, I love this site and everything you do for me ... more
That really sucks Sorry to hear that. I know a lot of people have been affected by storms as of late.
Contributor: Sugarfina Sugarfina
Awlink sad i missed this...
Contributor: reddoghard reddoghard
Originally posted by Gary
Hello Everyone and welcome to the party! In honor of EdenFantasys 10th anniversary, we are celebrating this momentous occasion with our very first annual Community Reunion!This event will be taking place right here on this thread from 8PM to 11PM ... more
cant wait

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