#EdenLit - Club Meeting- January 9, 2012 at 7pm

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Eden Lit Club Meeting January 9, 2012 at 7pm
We will be discussing our topics:
*Critical Review Topic- New Beginnings or Starting Over We are going to get the ball rolling this Month with a nod to the New Year. This topic is very broad and can include just about anything pertaining to starting over and new beginnings. If you choose this topic please indicate that this is the critical review topic so we can give you some really good feedback!
*Choices- Yup it's January again and a new year. What are some choices you have made in the past year (or in your life) that are infleuencing you now? Do you need to make some choices? Perhaps you have a favorite character in a story you are writing that has to make some choices...you get the idea!
*Open Topic- Tell us what's on your mind or blow us away with your eroticism! Your choice, your topic. If you would like a critical look at your work just indicate and we will accommodate the request as time permits.

Please check out our blog and pay special attention to the Critical Review items for the discussion. We'll be discussing the other works as time permits and also deciding if we'd like to have a Birthday party in February for our club!
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Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Eden Lit Club Meeting January 9, 2012 at 7pm
We will be discussing our topics:
*Critical Review Topic- New Beginnings or Starting Over We are going to get the ball rolling this Month with a nod to the New Year. This topic is very broad and can ... more
Ok so even I have posted a critical review item....so c'mon everyone be brave!
Contributor: Teacookie Teacookie
I'm confused about what this is suppose to be about and what I should think about and then type.

I am a new beginer to sex toys so I can type about all the hesitations, confusions and the general myths I've been told. As well as genearl point of view in regards to well they said.
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
It is tax season again and I will be in the office during the meeting. Please feel free to criticize and critique my story as much as you like! I don't get nearly enough critical review most of the time. The office should be slow this week so I should be able to check in on my phone and put in the occassional comment.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I probably won't be able to make it to the meeting due to time zones. Can you make a quick summary post near the end of the meeting saying what has been agreed about topics and such? I couldn't figure it out last time, so never ended up writing anything.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Yay tonight!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Teacookie
I'm confused about what this is suppose to be about and what I should think about and then type.

I am a new beginer to sex toys so I can type about all the hesitations, confusions and the general myths I've been told. As well as ... more
This is a writing club for aspiring authors not a product review area. With our club we choose topics each month at our meeting, discuss what we've written with an eye toward improvement and generally enjoy ourselves!
You can certainly write about the areas you mention but we'd invite you to also check out our topics as well. Feel free to jump on in!

For more information about the club check out this forum and to read what we've been doing over the past year check out our blog!

Welcome to EF and we hope to see you at our meeting this evening or in the future. Also check out the forums for information about our other clubs...we have a wide range of activities!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Silverdrop
I probably won't be able to make it to the meeting due to time zones. Can you make a quick summary post near the end of the meeting saying what has been agreed about topics and such? I couldn't figure it out last time, so never ended up ... more
I post an assignment forum every month seperate from the meeting forum with the topics chosen and any changes made to meeting format. If you like I can email you the link when it's completed?
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
We'll see how many typos I have from my phone tonite!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Welcome to the January Meeting of the Eden Lit Club!!!

Tonight instead of just saying what we liked and disliked about the stories our writers have provided, we'll have a more serious discussion about what goes into the writing of a good story.

Some things to remember when you are putting your vision into words and some small grammar mistakes that can totally derail your mood.

At the end of the meeting we will discuss some fun stuff like whether we want to have a Birthday Party for our club in Feb and any other ideas we might have for our club as well as discuss the current progress of our book!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Cedarlooman
We'll see how many typos I have from my phone tonite!
I hate trying to get on the forums from a phone! I can't do it from my phone, but occasionally I hop on from a friend's and it drives me crazy! lol
Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Yeah! Its club time. I have to grab something to eat and I'll be right back.
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
Unfortunately the tax office has a very strong and well-done. Black-list and Eden is on it. thank god for smartphones!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Ok so we, as writers, all want to be noticed. We all want to be special and "sound" good. The mistake most writers make in the beginning of their careers is they either try to say too much in each sentence or they try to say it in language that sounds stage-y or off.

For instance: She suddenly realized her hands were bound to the headboard and began to panic....

Not to be fair to the writer, her heroine MIGHT have just noticed that she is bound BUT if said heroine has been aware for the length of time most writers take to describe a scene then she noticed quite a while ago and the process was probably more gradual. Instead of trying to interject some pulse pounding scene setting the writer should slow down a bit and imagine what it might be like to find ones self groggy and tied to something. Even setting a scene and experiencing what you are describing can interject a bit of realism into your writing.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
stupid system double posted
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
The blight isn't blocked so I can access that if my co-workers don't get too suspicious.
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Ok so we, as writers, all want to be noticed. We all want to be special and "sound" good. The mistake most writers make in the beginning of their careers is they either try to say too much in each sentence or they try to say it in language ... more
I know I have to stop and check myself. I often use very long sentences and tend to overuse commas. When I really get into a story I zone out and repeat words. So my fist edit is to always go back through and pull out a bunch of commas and then use the find feature to see how often I use words like "softly" or "suddenly".
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Ok so we, as writers, all want to be noticed. We all want to be special and "sound" good. The mistake most writers make in the beginning of their careers is they either try to say too much in each sentence or they try to say it in language ... more
You know, that's something that I've noticed from time to time. So if I wanted to inject a bit of pulse pounding, I should make it clear right from the beginning that that's what the heroine notices first, and then takes in the rest of the scene, yes?
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Likewise using unfamiliar words might make you sound more intelligent but often it backfires and makes you difficult to understand. There is no shame in using a helping verb! (I had had enough of his whining) for example
Using common words will give you some 'street cred' if you will and allow your reader to follow your thought process easier. Instead of using flowery terms such as : "Her body was shown to perfection in the gauzy tunic which fell to the tops of her sculptured thighs."
I could have simply said "She looked stunning in the filmy tunic which fell to the tops of her strong thighs"

It is a trick to use more "artsy" formulae in writing...which is why I went with the more stilted and snooty sounding first description but it does suit my example.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Ok so we, as writers, all want to be noticed. We all want to be special and "sound" good. The mistake most writers make in the beginning of their careers is they either try to say too much in each sentence or they try to say it in language ... more
What happens if they toss in this;

Upon waking, she realised her hands were bound to the headboard and began to panic...

But I'd never write that. I'd make that into two sentences.

But I get what you are saying. I find newer writers seem to skip or not pay enough attention to the small things, and run through everything without breathing.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Cedarlooman
I know I have to stop and check myself. I often use very long sentences and tend to overuse commas. When I really get into a story I zone out and repeat words. So my fist edit is to always go back through and pull out a bunch of commas and then use ... more
That's an excellent trick to use. Often we feel that a first draft should be perfect but in reality it IS a first draft! I usually try to limit comma splicing to no more than two per sentence to avoid such complicated run on sentences. They may be grammatically correct but a reader gets lost too easily.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Jul!a
You know, that's something that I've noticed from time to time. So if I wanted to inject a bit of pulse pounding, I should make it clear right from the beginning that that's what the heroine notices first, and then takes in the rest of ... more
Exactly! Remember you want a bit of realism even in the most far out Science fiction or supernatural erotica. You notice things first by your senses...does your wrist burn or your shoulder ache from being cramped and motionless for some time? Do you notice your nose is itching but when you go to scratch it you can't move? Do you feel a cold draft and realize that you are feeling it in an area that should be covered?

Sometimes we rush to get to the juicy bits before we have properly set the scene. I find that if I write the sex scene first I can then craft the rest of the story around it. This can backfire and lead to a whole different story but it's a fun way to shake things up!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Woman China
What happens if they toss in this;

Upon waking, she realised her hands were bound to the headboard and began to panic...

But I'd never write that. I'd make that into two sentences.

But I get what you are saying. I find ... more
Exactly and it creates a frantic feeling rather than the slowly unfolding awareness they are trying to achieve for the reader.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Good morning from the Land of the Middle Kingdom!!! I've got coffee (the real stuff)!!!!

I might have to dash away early, but before I do, I'd like to suggest a topic for next months assignment... "Writing hints". Basically, little hints that you've picked up along the way to put into your writing to make it feel more ooomphish.

I know that's not a word but think making a fist and saying it.
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
That's an excellent trick to use. Often we feel that a first draft should be perfect but in reality it IS a first draft! I usually try to limit comma splicing to no more than two per sentence to avoid such complicated run on sentences. They may ... more
Yeah, I still tend to have a few long complex sentences. And to your earlier comment about the language usage...I do use words that are not as common. Part of I is my own love of learning new words and another part is I got in the habit of writing to a couple of very well-educated friends. Most of the time the meaning is implied by the context, bit not always.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Exactly and it creates a frantic feeling rather than the slowly unfolding awareness they are trying to achieve for the reader.
Oh, or what about describing most of the scene and then rather than saying "suddenly she realized her hands were bound and she began to panic" you went with something more like "as she took in the elegant draperies that were tied open, she felt a breeze and reached to cover herself, only to find that her hands were restrained and this sent her into a slight panic." Only without all the commas, lol,.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Woman China
Good morning from the Land of the Middle Kingdom!!! I've got coffee (the real stuff)!!!!

I might have to dash away early, but before I do, I'd like to suggest a topic for next months assignment... "Writing hints". Basically, ... more
Good morning!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Woman China
What happens if they toss in this;

Upon waking, she realised her hands were bound to the headboard and began to panic...

But I'd never write that. I'd make that into two sentences.

But I get what you are saying. I find ... more
Personally I have found I get a better reaponse if I say : "She woke up aching and feeling cramped. It was odd because she couldn't remember laying down! When she reached for her nose she began to panic, her wrist was bound firmly to an unfamiliar headboard....."

This sort of plain old talking makes for better story telling for most genre though there are times when it would seem out of place. I say, try both and then read it outloud as though you were entertaining some guests and see what flows better.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Exactly! Remember you want a bit of realism even in the most far out Science fiction or supernatural erotica. You notice things first by your senses...does your wrist burn or your shoulder ache from being cramped and motionless for some time? Do you ... more
I agree!!!! I belong to a few erotic story sites. And nothing, and I mean nothing seems to irk me more than just the wham-bam thank-you-ma'am stories. Juicy bits are grand and fun... BUT... tease me please!!!

When I write longerish stories ("Beginnings and Endings" or "A Dream to Build a Life On" to name two) I write the whole story first. And in big bold red letters I write "insert smut here". It is a joke to myself using the word smut. But then I go back and write the sex scene to make it more powerful as it ties the story together.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Woman China
Good morning from the Land of the Middle Kingdom!!! I've got coffee (the real stuff)!!!!

I might have to dash away early, but before I do, I'd like to suggest a topic for next months assignment... "Writing hints". Basically, ... more
Or how about something like turning our writing upside down and backwards? We could all try writing a really sexy scene with no preamble just jump in the middle hard core activity (doesn't have to be XXX sex just no lead up or scene setting) OR we could do a really challenging topic like: a scene described in the most minute detail where a single awareness takes three or four sentences to write!