Eden Gives Back Club Meeting - Monday, May 2nd @ 7pm

Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by Jul!a
Hello everybody! And welcome to the meeting!

I'm gonna give people a few more minutes to show up I think. How's everybody doing?
Hey there! I'm trying to get back to my Eden, saw this and figured I'd peek in because I absoutely love our Give Backs!

Haven't read through much yet, but I hope we will be donating more points!
Contributor: Vaccinium Vaccinium
Originally posted by sexyintexas
Good night everyone, gotta get baths done.
Good night. Enjoy your evening (once the kids are in bed, anyway).
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Jul!a
Very good point for doing a little bit of extra research
My mom has five rental properties, so when a tenant has money issues she send them to both of the stores. One always help out more than the other. Not only with money for bill's but cloths, work search help and transportation.

It jut made sense to me to look into it first.
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
I just googled "non-profit organizations accepting clothing donations national" and came up with a TON of legitimate charities and lists of charities, etc. google results
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by sexyintexas
Good night everyone, gotta get baths done.
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Originally posted by Jul!a
This is very very true. I'm absolutely horrible at that stuff, and will likely be very screwed if I ever get audited.
ditto :/
Contributor: Vaccinium Vaccinium
Originally posted by Kake aka PoeticErotica
I just googled "non-profit organizations accepting clothing donations national" and came up with a TON of legitimate charities and lists of charities, etc. google results ... more
It's getting more and more difficult to donate clothing, though, because of all the concern about bedbugs. Before taking in your clothes, always call the donation center first to make certain that they are taking them.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Kake aka PoeticErotica
I just googled "non-profit organizations accepting clothing donations national" and came up with a TON of legitimate charities and lists of charities, etc. google results ... more
This is exactly what I recommend to people. Nobody knows every area of the country, and the internet can be an amazing research tool. At the very least, it can help you sort out the very legitimate organizations from the not so much legit.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by cherryredhead88
Hey there! I'm trying to get back to my Eden, saw this and figured I'd peek in because I absoutely love our Give Backs!

Haven't read through much yet, but I hope we will be donating more points!
Cherry! So good to see you, where you been?
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Vaccinium
It's getting more and more difficult to donate clothing, though, because of all the concern about bedbugs. Before taking in your clothes, always call the donation center first to make certain that they are taking them.
Another great tip!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by cherryredhead88
Hey there! I'm trying to get back to my Eden, saw this and figured I'd peek in because I absoutely love our Give Backs!

Haven't read through much yet, but I hope we will be donating more points!
Hey!!! I'm so glad to see you here!!! How have you been lately?
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Vaccinium
It's getting more and more difficult to donate clothing, though, because of all the concern about bedbugs. Before taking in your clothes, always call the donation center first to make certain that they are taking them.
Good call.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Well folks, this meeting has come to an official close. That doesn't mean we can't keep talking though. If anybody has any ideas for large-scale projects, or any other projects, please feel free to either leave it here as I do check back for comments, or if you'd rather you can email me directly (Sam@ edenfantasys.com).

We had a lot of great talks tonight folks, and I'll be back with more information for you just as soon as I get it!
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Doing ok, you?
I'm doing great.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Jul!a
Well folks, this meeting has come to an official close. That doesn't mean we can't keep talking though. If anybody has any ideas for large-scale projects, or any other projects, please feel free to either leave it here as I do check back ... more
Sounds good.
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Originally posted by Jul!a
As of right now, nothing big, just this donation drive.

That means that we are more than willing to listen to any suggestions anybody might have. If you (anybody) can come up with any ideas and have things to back it up, we're ... more
If we had streaming music I'd offer to dj and take a buck for every song, lol. Um, let me brainstorm, ask some other people I know, etc. I think it would be very cool to try to do something primarily, if not entirely, online. There are events in virtual worlds that have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of weeks, so if they can do it all online, I reckon we can too. Or, we could just focus on running an awareness-raising campaign of some sort. Sort of like something like TWLOHA Day, or something like that - which is largely dependent on internet participation via flickr, etc. I actually run one of the larger hybrid virtual/real life flickr groups for that event/organization (though we're not officially affiliated with them - their whole concept is to promote grassroots stuff, etc, so it's all good, blah blah blah). [
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Originally posted by Jul!a
This is exactly what I recommend to people. Nobody knows every area of the country, and the internet can be an amazing research tool. At the very least, it can help you sort out the very legitimate organizations from the not so much legit.
Damn skippy!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Kake aka PoeticErotica
If we had streaming music I'd offer to dj and take a buck for every song, lol. Um, let me brainstorm, ask some other people I know, etc. I think it would be very cool to try to do something primarily, if not entirely, online. There are events in ... more
Definitely get back with me after some brainstorming
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Originally posted by Kake aka PoeticErotica
If we had streaming music I'd offer to dj and take a buck for every song, lol. Um, let me brainstorm, ask some other people I know, etc. I think it would be very cool to try to do something primarily, if not entirely, online. There are events in ... more
Actually, I found out that TWLOHA originally was conceived by supporters of the cause. That's the year my friend Bama & I started our support of the organization. Most local groups are doing it Nov. 13 this year, which I think was the same day as in '09. Here's the official TWLOHA page, so you'll know wth I'm talking about when you read this, and here is the [TWLOHA Wiki], which is fascinating imho, esp its coverage of their efforts to reach people via web tools, and here is the more info on TWLOHA Day. Looks like my friend and I didn't get involved until the 3rd TWLOHA Day. Here is a link to the first page of the Second Life TWLOHA flickr pool that my friend and I created and here's a a link to the last (oldest) page of the pool, notice the difference? It becomes clearer and clearer if you browser through the pool from the last page to the first. That's what I find sooo amazing - that something we created based on stuff we did in a virtual environment eventually attracted so many real life submissions to the pool that you have to go back many, many, many pages to find any pictures from the virtual environment. I'm proud we were able to so extensively spread TWLOHA's msg. That's just one example of the success of online charitable works - ofc, this raised no funds, but it sure as hell raised a TON of awareness, both within the virtual community and the real world. Anyway, if you ever want to kick some ideas around, hit me up via EF email, or any other of the communication methods I have listed on my EF profile.
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Originally posted by Kake aka PoeticErotica
Actually, I found out that TWLOHA originally was conceived by supporters of the cause. That's the year my friend Bama & I started our support of the organization. Most local groups are doing it Nov. 13 this year, which I think was the same ... more
TWLOHA Wiki - there, an actual link! lmao.
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Originally posted by Jul!a
Definitely get back with me after some brainstorming
Will do! Definitely!
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by Jul!a
Hey!!! I'm so glad to see you here!!! How have you been lately?
I've been super busy with class and I haven't had the internet at mynew place I'm working on getting it back up so I can get back to here more often again.

Other than that I am good and looking forward to popping in and donating some more points, I just hope I get a chance to before the deadline is up! How about yourself?

Hope all is well for you, and I saw DWTIM popping around here somewhere too. I look forward to being back permenantly soon
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by cherryredhead88
I've been super busy with class and I haven't had the internet at mynew place I'm working on getting it back up so I can get back to here more often again.

Other than that I am good and looking forward to popping in and ... more
The withdrawals must be killer, eh? lol

Good to hear everything is OK. See ya soon.
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Has anyone ever heard of SwipeGood? It's a "a company that raises funds for organizations by using debit and credit card purchases to generate donations. Sign-up by registering your debit or credit card and SwipeGood will automatically round up all of the purchases made to the nearest dollar. At the end of each month the "change" you've accumulated is donated directly to" the charity of your choice. (I assume they have to be registered w/ SwipeGood, but maybe not - maybe they do the legwork of donating directly w/o a prior association or something, idk, will have to read more). According to the site I got this info from (a respectable charity), SwipeGood's "site is 100% secure, your donations are tax-deductible, and you have the power to set a limit for how much will be donated each month." We could pick a charity (maybe something related to sexual health or the lgbt rights, or something else sorta Eden-related, so to speak) and start a campaign to get people to sign up. We could have them post carefully edited screenshots proving they signed up and maybe even get Eden to give us a certain number of prizes to give out to encourage people to sign up? since we ALL use our debit/credit cards ALL the time, this seems like a really good way to generate $ for a cause. We could have everyone keep a running tally of how much they donate and have 1 person collect the numbers (as long as everyone organizing/participati ng feels comfortable with this aspect) and then post the grand total for all EF donations via SwipeGood to our charity each month. Just a thought. I mean, all of it needs more research, but I thought it was a cool concept when I ran across it.
Contributor: Kake aka PoeticErotica Kake aka PoeticErotica
Another idea... CharityChoice is an organization that allows you to purchase a giftcard in X amount which the recipient is then req'd to redeem by donating it to the charity of their choice. What about a Christmas in July Secret Santa where we all give CharityChoice giftcards? We could then post, I got a giftcard for X dollars today in the thread and when the designated period is over, tally up the totals. We could agree to all purchase the cards anonymously so no one knows who spent how much. We could, again, designate a specific charity to which we'd all donate.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Jul!a
So what I'm thinking would involve a little bit of work on your part.

First, you'd have to locate someplace in your community that takes clothing or food donations. Then you'd have to go through your own things and create ... more
This sounds awesome!
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Jul!a
Does anybody else have any other questions or anything else they want to bring up?
I'd like to propose a cause for the next "big" project involving point/cash donations...

The It Gets Better Project was featured on Glee last night. I've been researching a bit more about the project and watching the videos today. It's inspiring. I think this is *exactly* the kind of thing that the community here would love to be a part of!

I also think it would be fantastic for those of us who wouldn't mind showing a little face (it doesn't necessarily have to be tied into our EF IDs) to do our own EF video to submit. Share our stories as either part of the LGBTQ Community or as parents/friends/suppor ters of the LGBTQ Community.

What do y'all think!?
Contributor: TacoODoom TacoODoom
Originally posted by Kake aka PoeticErotica
I am really really broke at the moment and not sure exactly what's up with the pay I was supposed to receive today. I'm always broke though b/c I'm poor in general at the moment & am spending all money I do have to visit my bf in ... more
i know i'm totally catching up AFTER the fact and i'm sorry i missed the meeting(stupid not being independently wealthy). but feel free to re-blog and pimp the crap out of this
Contributor: TacoODoom TacoODoom
Originally posted by Jul!a
Good question. If we ask her real nice she might be able to get us one
i plan on doing a vblog from fenway when i pick up my race packet

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