#EdenCooks - Popcorn Balls and Halloween Treats - Mon. Oct 15, 8pm EST

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by rosythorn
I am so there! but can we cook along? what do we need!
That might be a little difficult, but we should try that one night. What do you think Miss Antipova?
Contributor: Zakkie Zakkie
Originally posted by Ansley
That might be a little difficult, but we should try that one night. What do you think Miss Antipova?
You could maybe do a live video stream or something similar.
But I'm not sure how you guys normally do the cooking club though.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Zakkie
You could maybe do a live video stream or something similar.
But I'm not sure how you guys normally do the cooking club though.
It's text-based, on this thread. Antipova will have done this over the weekend and set up step-by-step instructions. The cooking isn't live, but the discussion is.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Ansley
That might be a little difficult, but we should try that one night. What do you think Miss Antipova?
That actually sounds awesome!

I will have to ask you all to help me brainstorm a short recipe for one of the next months.

Or if I had you do the prep (like cutting vegetables) in advance, we could try some kind of stir-fry?
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Meanwhile, popcorn balls in two hours!
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
One hour left!
Contributor: Zakkie Zakkie
Originally posted by Antipova
One hour left!
I'm a little excited!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Antipova
That actually sounds awesome!

I will have to ask you all to help me brainstorm a short recipe for one of the next months.

Or if I had you do the prep (like cutting vegetables) in advance, we could try some kind of stir-fry?
We can try.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Zakkie
I'm a little excited!
Only a little?
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Howdy ho, everyone!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I love love love Halloween. I've never really made a lot of treats for it though so I'm super excited about this.

One day I'll have to break out the chocolate molds and make some interesting candies.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Ansley
I love love love Halloween. I've never really made a lot of treats for it though so I'm super excited about this.

One day I'll have to break out the chocolate molds and make some interesting candies.
Following the truffle instructions from last February?
Contributor: Antipova Antipova

Hi everyone! As everybody trickles in, if you feel comfortable sharing, what are you dressing up as for Halloween?
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Hmmm not sure yet. We're probably going to end up staying in, so probably something slinky and sexy from here.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
*chirp chirp*...
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
The forum has been kind of slow all day. Looks like there was a ton of activity over the weekend though.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Ansley
The forum has been kind of slow all day. Looks like there was a ton of activity over the weekend though.
It's fall break where I'm at, my work has been dead all day too. Just a quiet spell, I suppose
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Antipova
It's fall break where I'm at, my work has been dead all day too. Just a quiet spell, I suppose
That's okay! More popcorn balls for us!
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Ansley
That's okay! More popcorn balls for us!
At least we've got sweets!
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Sorry, back now. No dressing up for me this year.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I'm kind of here! Hubby and I are watching a movie too...
Contributor: Antipova Antipova

Well, I've got friends dressing up as a Higgs Boson Trio, and I'm super excited about that. Myself, I'm just going to be a prospector.

Contributor: Antipova Antipova

Welcome to the October meeting of Eden Cooks! I think this might be my one-year anniversary as club leader, even

Do learn something topical, fun, and super-fast, we're going to take a look at popcorn balls today!

If you're expecting trick-or-treaters, and you hate dropping double digits on fun-sized candy bars, try making popcorn balls. You can get corn, sugar, and syrup enough to feed 60 people for just $6. Also, if you've never popped your own popcorn on the stovetop before, it can be a lot of fun to see how heat transforms the little seeds.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Antipova
Well, I've got friends dressing up as a Higgs Boson Trio, and I'm super excited about that. Myself, I'm just going to be a prospector.
Oh that's awesome!!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I might dress up for my hubby, but nothing other than that.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
But look what I brought for my quick treat. We do these fruits spiders every year, and my kids and their friends love making and eating them.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Hey All, I'm looking forward to the Popcorn Ball recipe, my Mother used to make them when I was a kid.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
But look what I brought for my quick treat. We do these fruits spiders every year, and my kids and their friends love making and eating them.
Peanut butter and apples are fabulous together! I also like ants on a log!
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
We always make popcorn on the stove, but never made a popcorn ball.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
But look what I brought for my quick treat. We do these fruits spiders every year, and my kids and their friends love making and eating them.
Oh, how cool!

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