Well, since I totally missed the meeting... I'll at least post my lasting thoughts/questions here. So beware of my wall o' text!!! (I can't believe I was so late! I blame my new job. I still think EF needs to start hiring. )
I think the idea for continuing the donations for worthy causes is the best!!! I am also concerned about manufacturers feeling less appreciated because it's easier to donate some money/points onto an existing order than buying an item you may not want/afford simply to donate to the cause.
Plus, if the manufacturer wants to be directly mentioned as a contributor to the funds to whatever the charity/cause/organiza tion may be, it could really turn off the receivers from the donation depending on how they feel about, ya know, adult products. I had already thought of some great causes to donate to that I would even be willing to do myself. But I'm not sure how they'd feel about their donations being funded by, well, sex toys... Coming from an assortment of people in an online community, sure. But an adult novelty company? Maybe not.
But on the same token, I really want them to be involved because they can offer a lot more donations than we can alone and being generous and giving is contagious and for every single person that catches the bug and donates, maybe two more will be inspired to do the same. Pay it forward!