#BuildaBetterEden - Community Planning: August 2012 - Everybody welcome!

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Hello everyone! Think of this thread as the official Community Suggestion Box. This month, we are focusing on community activities. What kinds of things would you like to see on Eden? The scope is your imagination and the current restrictions of an internet forum. The mention of chat rooms is strictly prohibited.

CPM: July - 2012 - July's meeting was about the mentor program, and we were able to snag approval for a couple of those suggestions and hope to roll those out soon.

CPM: June - 2012 - June's meeting inspired a call for some changes, some of which have been implemented, others are still to come.

CPM: May - 2012 - Lots of updates and changes were made from these suggestions!

CPM: April - 2012 - Almost all of the suggestions made in this month thread requiring changes in programming and thus time to get implemented but all suggestions have been noted and administrators will be discussing them in the next couple of weeks to see what we can get rolling in the near future.

CPM: March - 2012) - First, month long thread to discuss your ideas which include requests for a different style of sorting features for the forum to filter out discussion types or users, update the forum categories,
easier search requirements for assignments, and the option to filter what shows on your wall. In addition to those requests, there were also requests for the ability to sort people you are following by who is currently online and who is not, forum moderation to purge/delete/merge threads, and the option to not a view a contributor's activity at all but still follow them.

Where we are as of March 31st, 2012: Requests have been noted, and due to an overwhelming response from the community Edenfantasys has instituted a Forum Moderator and updated the Expectations of Conduct. Please become acquainted with the new guidelines!

CPM: 02.16.2012 - Another short meeting. I announced a few changes in how some of the meetings were going to go. - Sam

CPM: 02.02.2012 - A very short meeting, we discussed some of the new features from the update.

CPM: 01.19.2012 - We spent most of the meeting discussing the new photo uploading feature.

CPM: 01.05.2012 - We discussed things that have been brought up in the past and what their status was, and also things we could do workshops on.
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Contributor: snow31 snow31
Originally posted by Ansley
Hello everyone! Think of this thread as the official Community Suggestion Box. This month, we are focusing on community activities. What kinds of things would you like to see on Eden? The scope is your imagination and the current restrictions of an ... more
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
How about having a weekly contest that focused on a smaller group or category of participants than the whole Community allowing everybody to participate & a better chance of winning.
Each week a different group or category of participants are selected. Once all the groupes or categories of participants has cyled through, start it again from the beginning. This really could be fun with some originality put into it and there is a lot of that within the Community. I think it could lead to more Community and Community participation.
I think having fun within the Community is as important as making change.
Contributor: alamander alamander
I definitely think that smaller group interaction would be neat too! It can be overwhelming! Like Edeneve said though It would require a bit more monitoring to ensure that people are in fact cycling through it
Contributor: js250 js250
Reviewers have the rumble and roundup as well as contributor of the month. Eden has many members who are not reviewers, but are still valuable contributors to the site. Couldn't we have a Contributor Roundup to honor their contributions as well?

I would like to see a Staff spotlight area as well. I know we all have our walls, profiles, etc. But if one staff member was in the spotlight per week/month, that could really help the newcomers to know who to go to with certain issues and let us get to know you as people as well as problem solvers.

A monthly trivia/puzzle contest with a small prize could be a good way to get members to interact and have fun. Or Eden leaf search on the site for a discount-that would get older reviews, stagnant items and other areas of the site a new audience.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by js250
Reviewers have the rumble and roundup as well as contributor of the month. Eden has many members who are not reviewers, but are still valuable contributors to the site. Couldn't we have a Contributor Roundup to honor their contributions as ... more
The Contributor of the Month honors any contributor, not just reviewers. I think it's just that most active contributors are also reviewers.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Kindred
The Contributor of the Month honors any contributor, not just reviewers. I think it's just that most active contributors are also reviewers.
This is indeed usually the case. COTM nominees are chosen by the community. So, that's really on the community to band together and think outside of the people they usually see as being the most active on the forum/review program.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Ok, so I know it's only August, but I wanted to remind everyone that we will be holding a Secret Santa event this year. This year we will start the process a bit earlier in order to make sure everyone receives their gifts before the holidays.
Contributor: BG529 BG529
Originally posted by Ansley
Ok, so I know it's only August, but I wanted to remind everyone that we will be holding a Secret Santa event this year. This year we will start the process a bit earlier in order to make sure everyone receives their gifts before the holidays.
Thats soooo cool!!! How do you get involed or is everyone already involved?
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by BG529
Thats soooo cool!!! How do you get involed or is everyone already involved?
I'll provide all of the details when the time comes.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Originally posted by Ansley
Ok, so I know it's only August, but I wanted to remind everyone that we will be holding a Secret Santa event this year. This year we will start the process a bit earlier in order to make sure everyone receives their gifts before the holidays.
This is good to know, I'll have to start saving up extra points for it! Secret Santa was so fun last year
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
some of the changes in navigation are less user friendly. The guides, like materials, are very difficult to find. Many of the links under the guides go to shopping pages.
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
Originally posted by js250
Reviewers have the rumble and roundup as well as contributor of the month. Eden has many members who are not reviewers, but are still valuable contributors to the site. Couldn't we have a Contributor Roundup to honor their contributions as ... more
great ideas!
Contributor: SMichelle SMichelle
With the editing program as it currently is, editors seem to get penalized for sending a review to an admin. What I mean is, I recently sent a review that was copied word for word from another review to an admin. This made it so that the review was listed as "cancelled" in my tasks, yet it still ended up counting as one of my three reviews for the day -- except I wasn't rewarded any points, or anything, for that review.

The issue here is that if editors are penalized, they're less likely to send the item to an admin if they know that they're going to be losing out for doing so. If I had known that it would count as one of my three, I would've simply placed it back in the task market with a note, and moved on. My worry here is that even with a note like that, some editors may publish the review anyway.
Contributor: Applecrush Applecrush

Please! I implore you! Consider shipping internationally with FED EX or DHL!!! When u ship with UPS...packages are checked at the post office-which is the case for my country (jamaica). Lack of state of the art machines..forces the invasion of privacy to ensure illegal items are not sent via regular post.
I want to make a purchase, but im still at arms on how to get it delivered discreetly...

Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Simple request — a "preview" feature for forum posts.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I'd like to have something like the Grammies or the Oscars here at EF in December. Just a bunch of fun little awards (no prizes though please!!!) just some shits and giggles...

For example:

Edenite most ready to pimp their blog award.... Woman!!!

Edenite you'd most like to take home for the weekend to clean your house award... Woman!

Edenite most likely to help out a new member award.... Woman!!! (since I am writing this thing I am winning that too!)

Edenite most likely to touch your heart award... Woman!!!!

Favourite reveiw of the year...

Funniest review of the year (not April Fools reviews)...

Fun little awards to pimp out friends, have a laugh and meet some new folks.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by js250
Reviewers have the rumble and roundup as well as contributor of the month. Eden has many members who are not reviewers, but are still valuable contributors to the site. Couldn't we have a Contributor Roundup to honor their contributions as ... more
Since sometimes I think I am seven other people...

I second, thirded, fourthided, fifthedid, sixthedid and sevenishy agree with JS250!!!

I love the idea of the Contributor Roundup... and I'd love to see some of the EdenStaff under the spotlight (but only if I can interrogate them... I don't know many of them very well but it would be a great way to get to know them!!!! *evil cackle*)

What about included with the monthly trivia or puzzle, what about a scavenger hunt each month?
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Kindred
The Contributor of the Month honors any contributor, not just reviewers. I think it's just that most active contributors are also reviewers.
For the most part I agree Kindred, but there are some reviewers who might only write a few reviews a year or not at all (at the moment I can think of Gracie (no reviews) and Rossie here... sorry for focusing on you two loverly ladies!!!!). But it would be swell to be able to recognise other ladies and gents who frequently comment on reviews and post in the threads.

I don't know how many there are out there in the EdenLand, but surely there are a few.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by Woman China
For the most part I agree Kindred, but there are some reviewers who might only write a few reviews a year or not at all (at the moment I can think of Gracie (no reviews) and Rossie here... sorry for focusing on you two loverly ladies!!!!). But it ... more
My point is that the Contributor of the Month award is open to all contributors, not just reviewers. If you feel there are non-reviewers that deserve recognition then you should nominate them and I would welcome it. Personally I don't think "writes great reviews" is a good reason to be nominated. We already have the weekly Rumble to recognize excellence in review writing. The CotM, in my opinion, is to recognize extraordinary contributions to the community.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
How about a customizable toolbar where we can pick a few links that we use frequently? For example, I like to view the product search often but it currently takes 3 links to access each time. Same with the Task Market. It would be great if I could customize links directly to them.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Kindred
How about a customizable toolbar where we can pick a few links that we use frequently? For example, I like to view the product search often but it currently takes 3 links to access each time. Same with the Task Market. It would be great if I could ... more
I really like that idea.

@Woman - we have a recognition post at the end of the year, there will be one this year as well.

As Kindred has stated, the Contributor of the Month is meant for nominations of all contributors, not just reviewers.

I have to say that, the nominations each month are very light in terms of quantity and the same five people are nominated every month. If you want to recognize a contributor for always commenting or always giving advice and support on reviews, then you should nominate that person when the time comes.

You can nominate more than one person each month. I'd love to see a new set of contributors up for nomination each month. That would make my heart sing with joy.
Contributor: Ningyo Ningyo
I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's been brought up already anywhere, so sorry if this has already been mentioned:

Basically, I have been selling a lot of stuff through the Classifieds. It's awesome that Eden offers it and it's been great for me because I'm still figuring out what kinds of toys I like, so I end up with a lot of non-porous toys that don't work for me. I would like it if there was a Seller Feedback feature for those of us who use the Classifieds, because I think some people are unwilling to go further than check out the listings because of the potential risk involved. I'm thinking of something similar to the eBay rating system, but it wouldn't have to be that elaborate, like a potential buyer could click on our username and see how many transactions we've done and whether or not the buyers were happy with their purchases. This could work for trades too. That way, those with reservations about buying from or trading with someone they don't know will be more comfortable doing business in the Classifieds if they can see that others who bought from or traded with the seller were satisfied. I don't know how well this would work or if it's even worth the trouble, but I think if it is possible it would help those of us who are extra picky about toys re-home our extra stuff faster and easier.

Thanks for having this thread!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Ningyo
I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's been brought up already anywhere, so sorry if this has already been mentioned:

Basically, I have been selling a lot of stuff through the Classifieds. It's awesome that Eden offers it and ... more
That's not a bad idea. But, it probably would not make the top of the list as far as priorities are concerned, but I'll pitch it.

So no one has any ideas for community activities? Is that what I'm to understand?
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Kindred
How about a customizable toolbar where we can pick a few links that we use frequently? For example, I like to view the product search often but it currently takes 3 links to access each time. Same with the Task Market. It would be great if I could ... more
Couldn't this be accomplished with browser bookmarks?
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Originally posted by Ansley
Ok, so I know it's only August, but I wanted to remind everyone that we will be holding a Secret Santa event this year. This year we will start the process a bit earlier in order to make sure everyone receives their gifts before the holidays.
That sounds so fun! I can't wait to participate!
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Since it seems to have come up a few times recently, how about updating the "Returns" page to clearly indicate that returned items are not re-sold?
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Kindred
Since it seems to have come up a few times recently, how about updating the "Returns" page to clearly indicate that returned items are not re-sold?
This is an EXCELLENT idea.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Can you make the pictures at the top of all Official posts clickable? Every time I see one that interests me, I try to click it to find out more and I feel like an idiot because it's only a picture.

Also I'd like to see more community activities that occur earlier or later in the day; they always happen at the same time (7-9 EST) but I, and lots of other people, can't ever make it at that time of day.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
Can you make the pictures at the top of all Official posts clickable? Every time I see one that interests me, I try to click it to find out more and I feel like an idiot because it's only a picture.

Also I'd like to see ... more
It seems like no matter when we schedule them, there's always a handful of people who want it scheduled at a different time. Hit me up with an email about your ideas.