Which one are you?

Contributor: bunnygrl bunnygrl
I'm a little more submissive, but I like being the one in charge sometimes.
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
I'm a sub. What most consider switching, I consider a "normal" part of our relationship.
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
I'm a total bottom, but I'm kinda curious about switching it up
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
I'm a sub, always. I'm not a fan of being in charge, because it just makes me uncomfortable.
Outside of the bedroom, we're closer to being equal, but he still has most of the control.
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
im usually the dominant one.
Contributor: shcoo shcoo
Switch. I seem to change preferences every few months for no reason - right now I like to be more submissive.
Contributor: RavenWolf88 RavenWolf88
I'm a switch. Depends on my mood as to which side of me comes out to play.
Contributor: eeep eeep
I switch based on my mood, and how comfortable I am with my partner. I tend to be a little more submissive than dominant overall.
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
Sub most of the time, but I tend to be a bit dominant late at night/early morning. I'm not really sure why.
Contributor: Megan Jean Megan Jean
Total complete sub. We've tried switching for a night, but I just can not be dominant! I'm too much of a softie.
Contributor: Daemonin Daemonin
I'm usually submissive, but there are times my husbands wants me to be a little more dominant.
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
I always like to say I'm 95% submissive and 5% dominant since I like to switch, but only rarely.
Contributor: Collogue Collogue
Originally posted by removedacnt
Are you consistently dominant, submissive, or do you switch?

I'm making the voting private, but feel free to add to the comment section if you're comfortable with that.
we're both switches!
Contributor: EnterTheFist EnterTheFist
I'm a switch. Usually the Dom, but I love bottoming for my girlfriend. She really knows how to spank my ass! She's more comfortable as the sub, but I'm bringing out the top in her.
Contributor: PeachieClean PeachieClean
Switch! The boyfriend doesn't play sub very well though, so I rarely get a chance to do anything dom.
Contributor: 131231e43 131231e43
Contributor: dhig dhig
definitely dominant here
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
Neither of us likes to take on a dominant role, but if someone does, it's usually me. He's too afraid to.
Contributor: Defiledpixxy Defiledpixxy
Originally posted by removedacnt
Are you consistently dominant, submissive, or do you switch?

I'm making the voting private, but feel free to add to the comment section if you're comfortable with that.
I'm a submissive living in a 24/7 D/s relationship.
Contributor: pinkpottergirl pinkpottergirl
I wouldn't know what to do if I had to be a dom! I am uber subby
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
my bf want me to be more dominant but i just get embarassed
Contributor: Tangles Tangles
I prefer being submissive, but I can't stay in that role 24/7. I gotta switch once in a while.
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
sub most of the time
Contributor: funluvinmama funluvinmama
Neither... I'm not comfortable enough in the bedroom to be the controlling dominant person. I also don't feel like I could be submissive enough to let my hubby tell me what to do or let him do whatever he wants.
Contributor: MrGoodTool MrGoodTool
I'm dom, but I would be sub if the right lady came about
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
Not really submissive, Not really dominant, more or less equal.
Contributor: WD40watcher WD40watcher
Originally posted by removedacnt
Are you consistently dominant, submissive, or do you switch?

I'm making the voting private, but feel free to add to the comment section if you're comfortable with that.
I am most always the dominant, but I'd love it if I could play the submissive role a few times.
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
With my last boyfriend, we switched on and off with being dominant and submissive, but with my current boyfriend we actually don't do much of either we are just more cudley then anything.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
I voted switch, but I lean more toward sub.

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