Are you involved in your local kink scene?

Contributor: Shadowed Shadowed
No, but I think about it sometimes.
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
Nope. I'm a pretty private person. =] Tempted to though.
Contributor: itismedi itismedi
Not a super social person and consider me old fashion (kinky, spanko, submissive old fashion lol), but I like to keep sex between me and my guy. I also don't share well. =+)
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by Zandrock
Are you involved in your local kinky community?
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I'm not.
Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
no not me
Contributor: KiraCat KiraCat
I've thought about it but my current girlfriend is steadfast on not getting involved so I guess I'm not anytime soon.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
My area is kind of small, so it would be kind of weird for me. I am curious though.
Contributor: Rrrrrrrrrrr Rrrrrrrrrrr
Yep! Well, getting there. I've been to a few play parties, and am gonna be doing munches and the like soon.
Contributor: MidnightStorm MidnightStorm
No, but I really want to be! That's one of the reasons why I'm so excited to move out.
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Contributor: Nyx (Under the Covers) Nyx (Under the Covers)
I've been considering going to a local society munch and may actually take the plunge next month. (My primary reason for not attending so far has really been lack of car ownership and discomfort with ridesharing with someone I don't know.)
Contributor: gabyduffy gabyduffy
oh no..... not for us
Contributor: MidnightStorm MidnightStorm
No, but I'm really interested in getting involved!
Contributor: Xarien Xarien
Originally posted by Zandrock
Are you involved in your local kinky community?
I think me and my partner are mostly interested in keeping our kink to ourselves and any other individual we invite to our bedroom.
Contributor: butts butts
Ah, yes and no. I (and many of my friends) are involved in an art community that often involves a lot of kinky people and subcultures. We aren't much involved in the kink community within it, but I've thought about seeing what's around separate from that community locally. I really can't tell if it would be awkward for us or fun.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
The only one I am involved in is this Swingers club we go too. There is a number of things to do there that makes it fun. I usually go to dance and watch the activities if the person has the door open for the invite to watch. I will not take part in anything until my bf comes down. I go with a friend of mine. It is a different scene but I have had fun there.
Contributor: RavenInChains RavenInChains
I used to be. And for anyone who lives in an area where there is an active scene I really suggest it. It is wonderful to have people around who understand and know about your lifestyle. Some of my best friends ever have come from my local scenes.

Unfortunately a few years ago I moved to a very small town (around 17k people) and there is no scene to be part of. The nearest events are around 3 hours away and I simply don't have time to attend often.
Contributor: NymphetamineKiss NymphetamineKiss
Yes, we are and have been for a few years now. Munches, play events and friendships that have developed beyond.
Contributor: Dark3stNightmar3 Dark3stNightmar3
Yes me and my fiancé are heavy into the kink community and just recently got our lovely gf into it aswell.
Contributor: sunflower sunflower
I want to attend a munch sometime but I'm working up the courage lol.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
We are anti-social when it comes to our play time.
Contributor: vulvalicious vulvalicious
No, we're too private for that.
Contributor: mailroomorder mailroomorder
Originally posted by Zandrock
Are you involved in your local kinky community?
I don't even know how you FIND the community.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
I like to keep to myself.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Contributor: Glinteye Glinteye
Not yet, but id like to be!

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