Probably when I was around 15. When I was younger I had daydreams about being captured or enslaved, but I'm much toppier now, go figure!
How old were you when you realized you were kinky?
I was about 14 or 15 when i first saw Aeon Flux....the cartoon on!
Yup. I was 15 and my best friend is 16 years older than me. He showed me all the "ROPES".
I was probably about 13 when I first saw a clip of pony play on Real Sex. I was amazed and have been exploring ever since!
I think there needs to be a "younger than 10" option.
I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 4, and spent the next 6 years fantasizing about what it would be like to wear a metal bikini and a leash. I even made my own out of a piece of chain and kept it in my bedroom closet. I knew even back then that it was "weird" enough that I couldn't discuss it with anybody.
Yeah, and I did all the tying-up-my-dolls things too... and I loved the damsel in distress stories, although I usually imagined more added details of what the damsel had to do while imprisoned.
I knew it was kinky even back then. None of the other kids at school seemed to do the stuff I did.
I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 4, and spent the next 6 years fantasizing about what it would be like to wear a metal bikini and a leash. I even made my own out of a piece of chain and kept it in my bedroom closet. I knew even back then that it was "weird" enough that I couldn't discuss it with anybody.
Yeah, and I did all the tying-up-my-dolls things too... and I loved the damsel in distress stories, although I usually imagined more added details of what the damsel had to do while imprisoned.
I knew it was kinky even back then. None of the other kids at school seemed to do the stuff I did.

Also a Barbie abuser.
Originally posted by
More than anything I am just curious...I was 17...but I have heard of people saying as young as like 10...*shrugs*
I knew when I was around 9 or 10.
Younger. I was 8 or 9 when I started fantasizing about being forced to put my body on display. I remember one of my first fantasies was about being forced to serve in a "please touch" museum...hehe.
Ha. This. Definitely younger than 10. But my fantasies didn't really get graphic until maybe 11.
Originally posted by
I 'knew' since I the moment I saw Aladdin (4? 6?) but I didn't really connect things. I knew that seeing Jasmine in her slave chains serving Jafar made me grin, and that I love damsel in distress stories. I know that I always wanted to
I 'knew' since I the moment I saw Aladdin (4? 6?) but I didn't really connect things. I knew that seeing Jasmine in her slave chains serving Jafar made me grin, and that I love damsel in distress stories. I know that I always wanted to play the captured princess, but I was disappointed when the story ended and I was set free. I probably figured out around 14 or 15 that there were other people like that, and that there was actually a term for how I was feeling.
Not until recently in the past few years. I lost my virginity in my teens, but at the time my boyfriend was long distance- so we didnt exactly do the down and dirty too often, and I didnt get the change to explore sexuality while living at my folks. It wasnt until I got boyfriend who's, literally a hop, jump and skip away, and being sexually active did I discover I like doing things out of the box, sort to speak.
I was a little older. I would say probably around 17, I would have fantasies. But I guess it didnt really start until I met my husband and we started exploring. However, I have always been intrigued by Aladdin when I was younger, but I never did think about it like that until a few years later
Yeah, the whole Barbie/BDSM thing seems pretty universal among a lot of people in the Lifestyle.
Originally posted by
I think there needs to be a "younger than 10" option.
I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 4, and spent the next 6 years fantasizing about what it would be like to wear a metal bikini and a leash. I even made my own out of a piece of ... more
I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 4, and spent the next 6 years fantasizing about what it would be like to wear a metal bikini and a leash. I even made my own out of a piece of ... more
I think there needs to be a "younger than 10" option.
I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 4, and spent the next 6 years fantasizing about what it would be like to wear a metal bikini and a leash. I even made my own out of a piece of chain and kept it in my bedroom closet. I knew even back then that it was "weird" enough that I couldn't discuss it with anybody.
Yeah, and I did all the tying-up-my-dolls things too... and I loved the damsel in distress stories, although I usually imagined more added details of what the damsel had to do while imprisoned.
I knew it was kinky even back then. None of the other kids at school seemed to do the stuff I did. less
I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 4, and spent the next 6 years fantasizing about what it would be like to wear a metal bikini and a leash. I even made my own out of a piece of chain and kept it in my bedroom closet. I knew even back then that it was "weird" enough that I couldn't discuss it with anybody.
Yeah, and I did all the tying-up-my-dolls things too... and I loved the damsel in distress stories, although I usually imagined more added details of what the damsel had to do while imprisoned.
I knew it was kinky even back then. None of the other kids at school seemed to do the stuff I did. less
I was told by a therapist that this type of play was "unusual and unhealthy." I know now this therapist had some sexual hang ups of her own (she kept trying to insist that My Man as somehow "abusive" because I was a stay at home mom, even though it was my choice, and seemed pretty anti-man all around) and I am now aware, from talking to a lot of other women that this type of play is not only common, but normal and helps young girls work out trauma as well as learn the ropes (so to speak) of their future lives, if they choose to do this.
As a little boy, David Bowie in Labyrinth made me realize how kinky I am. That damn Tina Turner wig and that bulge he had in those tights..... mmmm
I've been having BDSM fantasies since before I even knew what they were
Like, under 10. Lol. Sadly, I'm not even kidding!
I knew I was kinky in my late teens, but Ive gotten extremly kinky in my late 30s
I knew before I even had sex lol
I think I was 11.
I think I was 14 or 15.
Somewhere around 20 I think. My husband brought it out in me.
I think for me, it was around 13 or 14. There was this VERY good looking boy, and I remember having thoughts back then about tying him up. I have a very vivid imagination, and in my imagination, I had a whole room set up. (I don't think I really knew back then what all those things were in my "room", but I do now!)
I was 19.
You're never too old to find new kink!
I've always known I was something different (used to tie up my dolls and my friends when we'd roleplay things like the evil witch) but I didn't have a name for it until about 7th grade, when I stole my friend's older brother's psychology book. Then I thought I was going to be a serial killer.
Luckily I found the internet community, and started thinking of my sexuality in a more positive way.
Luckily I found the internet community, and started thinking of my sexuality in a more positive way.
i found out along time ago.still wating for the wife to find out.
Oh my gosh I never thought about it this way, you just put that perfectly. I've always been really sub but didn't act on it until I was about 17 then didn't expand and explore until this year (20.)
Originally posted by
I 'knew' since I the moment I saw Aladdin (4? 6?) but I didn't really connect things. I knew that seeing Jasmine in her slave chains serving Jafar made me grin, and that I love damsel in distress stories. I know that I always wanted to
I 'knew' since I the moment I saw Aladdin (4? 6?) but I didn't really connect things. I knew that seeing Jasmine in her slave chains serving Jafar made me grin, and that I love damsel in distress stories. I know that I always wanted to play the captured princess, but I was disappointed when the story ended and I was set free. I probably figured out around 14 or 15 that there were other people like that, and that there was actually a term for how I was feeling.
youngest i remember is when i was thirteen i had a thing for closepins.
I was going to say 'in my early 30's', but everyone's stories made me realize that I had been kinky since a very early age.
My thing was always the 'forced passion' (romantic rape, if there is such a thing). I can't even trace where it started, but I've always had this idea of an older man taking me and educating me and making me his pet or slave or whatever ... I knew my fantasies weren't PC, so I kept them quiet, and was pretty much known as the Celtic Bitch in day-to-day life. Any man who could see through it was welcomed to conquer it and take me.
I thought my ex-husband was that man, but he had his own hang-ups ... apparently, we were both subs, but he objected to my stronger sexual appetite (he used the word 'freakish' at one point). When a couples' therapist asked us "What's your idea of female sexuality?" I replied "The dairymaid tumbled in the hayloft by the lord." The ex's reply was "Thigh high boots, leather jacket, and a crop." (Not to mention his thing about mother-son porn.) I didn't understand any of it back then, but I do now. Subs should never marry each other.
Master, though, is that man I dreamed of - older, experienced, willing to educate, wanting to tie me up and fuck me senseless and everything else I dreamed of since I could remember. Just need to decrease the physical distance is all.
My thing was always the 'forced passion' (romantic rape, if there is such a thing). I can't even trace where it started, but I've always had this idea of an older man taking me and educating me and making me his pet or slave or whatever ... I knew my fantasies weren't PC, so I kept them quiet, and was pretty much known as the Celtic Bitch in day-to-day life. Any man who could see through it was welcomed to conquer it and take me.
I thought my ex-husband was that man, but he had his own hang-ups ... apparently, we were both subs, but he objected to my stronger sexual appetite (he used the word 'freakish' at one point). When a couples' therapist asked us "What's your idea of female sexuality?" I replied "The dairymaid tumbled in the hayloft by the lord." The ex's reply was "Thigh high boots, leather jacket, and a crop." (Not to mention his thing about mother-son porn.) I didn't understand any of it back then, but I do now. Subs should never marry each other.
Master, though, is that man I dreamed of - older, experienced, willing to educate, wanting to tie me up and fuck me senseless and everything else I dreamed of since I could remember. Just need to decrease the physical distance is all.
Honestly I was about 10 or 11 when I realized I like for my best friend to throw and pin me down while we would play fight
Originally posted by
More than anything I am just curious...I was 17...but I have heard of people saying as young as like 10...*shrugs*
I actually started testing BDSM stuff a few years ago, I didn't realize I was kinky until then.
Somewhere in the 15 to 17 age range. Didn't fully accept it until much later though.