Hard limits

Contributor: Modern^Spank^Anthem Modern^Spank^Anthem
most of the list
Contributor: Kaleb Kaleb
Originally posted by Sinfully
I don't know what scat means. I don't mind playing intoxicated and while I'm not into pissplay, if someone wanted me to piss on them I prob would. lol. The rest of the list... eh no.
Shit play.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
The entire list...
Contributor: BeepBop BeepBop
Why do so many people put medical play as a hard limit?
I wonder if I have a misunderstanding of the meaning of the term.
Contributor: cryinglightning86 cryinglightning86
Minus the intoxicated option, I'm pretty much against everything on that list.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by biancajames
What are your hard limits? Do you have any unusual ones? Have your limits changed over the years?
Underage partners? Let's hope everyone votes for that one. Sex shouldn't victimize a person or animal for that matter.
Contributor: Claire-Bear Claire-Bear
Everything on your list is a no go for me.
Contributor: Nacht Stern Nacht Stern
No animals, scat, underage, or intoxicated play for me.
Contributor: Tessa Taboo Tessa Taboo
Originally posted by ViVix
Underage partners? Let's hope everyone votes for that one. Sex shouldn't victimize a person or animal for that matter.
I took underage play to mean role playing as an underage person. Not an actual underage person. Maybe I'm wrong?
Contributor: xxjoel xxjoel
No feces, NO VOMIT (major phobia, I'd have panic attacks for weeks), no foot fetishes, no children, no animals, no permanent injury, no NOT using condoms with other partners, no pregnancy.
Contributor: Ganconagh Ganconagh
underage partners, animals, scat and the dead, lol
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
Dont do most of on your list. I do not like body fluids, I like being safe, and I do not break the law.
Contributor: Phosphorous Tick Phosphorous Tick
no bodily fluids. No piss, scat vomit those things
and feet.
Never. Feet.
Contributor: geekkink geekkink
I don't like age play either.
Contributor: MrPink MrPink
All bodily waste, guns, knives (maybe a small exception for some smaller blades for light scratch/ blood play), underage, anal dilating/ stretching.

Aside from those I'll go with almost anything.
Contributor: Rey Rey
interesting list, made me think!
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I would be okay with a couple of the things up there, but certainly not all. I'm not gonna do anything illegal or with a partner who can't consent, blood has bad associations for me, and I'm really scared of choking/having my breathing limited. Also, scat is just... no. I don't think I would have fun with that at all.
Contributor: SmutGeek SmutGeek
What do you mean by animals? I'd need more info as I play as a kitten and a cow ^_^

For me is no scat, no watersports, nothing illegal, and no roman showers (vomit)
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
Scat, piss, animals, underage people, and whips or razors.
Contributor: Billie Bones Billie Bones
My limits have changed as I've become more comfortable within the BDSM community and had time to explore what makes me comfortable/uncomforta ble. An example of a limit that's changed for me would be breath play. When I first started exploring kink I didn't feel like I was experienced enough to feel safe. Now I love it and feel confident explaining to partners how to make sure it stays safe and consensual (eg. never okay when my hands are bound; telling them how I tap out; etc).
Contributor: xxjoel xxjoel
Honestly, we play intoxicated all the time... But then again, we don't do anything too crazy regularly...
Contributor: xcapricax xcapricax
scat underage and animals is my limit
Contributor: k3 k3
My limits have changed over time, yes.
Contributor: maxwe maxwe
Originally posted by Masokisti
Knives are a big no-no for us.... not that I don't trust her... but we'd both probably end up dead...
haha....they CAN be pretty dangerous....
Contributor: SavingMyself SavingMyself
All of those with the exceptions of breathplay, knives(lightly only, no actual cutting) and playing while intoxicated(I will play after we've had a couple beers, but never while actually drunk) are my hard limits. I don't really have anymore than the ones on the list(except for anything that cause permanent damage of course), I'm a "I'll try anything once" type of girl.
Contributor: LadyRelentless LadyRelentless
Pretty grossed out by poop.

Will never play with someone actually underage, and would feel pretty uncomfortable playing as tho someone was underage.

I don't think I could stop laughing long enough to try fucking an animal...just seems absurd. plus, it's hard for an animal to give consent, and non-consensual anything is a hard limit for me.
Contributor: playsalot playsalot
I don't like things that are very painful or include blood or bodily damage. I would never have sex with a minor, or anyone or thing that didn't give consent. Poop and Pee are not that sexy but i am not that squimish if it happens to get on me.
Contributor: chikisses chikisses
No pissy plat
Contributor: inkky inkky
Nothing Icky.
Contributor: itismedi itismedi
I had to chose other. I would never be comfortable with bathroom play or blood. I also believe that everyone should be consenting and children and animals cannot do that. I have had a drink or two before, but would never play intoxicated as it lessens your senses and you could be seriously injured.