I'm new to bdsm... not sure this is appealing :/
does blood turn you on?
Blood play's not for us. Just not interested. It happens by accident sometimes during rough scenes and we typically call it there.
blood turn off
I voted "not there yet," but I don't think the "yet" part is particularly accurate (since there's some implication that it's just a matter of time until I get to that point). If my sub were to bleed a little after a particularly hard flogging, I wouldn't necessarily mind (assuming it were okay with her), but more blood than that is gonna be a turn off for me. It's just not my kink nor do I see it becoming my kink in the foreseeable future. I think worrying about the potential mess and increased chance of serious injury would just make it difficult for me to get into the scene. Of course, if that is your kink, more power to you! Just be safe with it!
I have to be going into the session with the intent for bleeding to happen. Otherwise my reaction is to be concerned and check in with my partner.
medical play turns me on... blood turns me off... Maybe both of these are from being in the medical field
We don't like to go that far.
Originally posted by
does making your partner bleed add to your fun or no? are you turned on by it or does it make you feel bad?
Blood doesn't turn me on at all.
I'm into BDSM, but bloodplay isn't a thing I'm interested in.