Condoms love or hate?

Contributor: js250 js250
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
We tried them once and both hated them!! Thank goodness we have never had to wear them for health or pregnancy reasons!!!
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
pregnancy is less sexy than a wrapped up penis, so i'll sacrifice.
Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
Hate it and avoid it at all costs!
Contributor: faust faust
Only for safe/
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
I don't hate them, but I only use them for protection purposes. I'm on birth control now so I can try both...and I like it rawww. ;D
Contributor: Eucaly Eucaly
I hate them, but he loves the way they feel.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
This is why I monogamy. I seriously hate feeling of condoms. I don't like the way they smell, I don't like the packaging used, I just...yuck. I've always wondered if women who do not mind condoms inevitably end up with a guy who is uncircumsized.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
I hate them, but use them for safety. The lube they use makes me feel slimy inside.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I'm not a fan. We used them when it was still necessary for birth control, but don't anymore. There are worse things, but eh.. I don't like em.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
condoms are great
Contributor: FleurDevereux FleurDevereux
Only to avoid getting prego atm. I do hate condoms though. Feels less intimate, they smell, and i hate spending the $ on them. It's cheaper and easier than having and taking care of another baby right now though, and that in itself is worth wearing them, every time.
Contributor: Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie
don't really like it, but it's not awful
Contributor: fredacarl fredacarl
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
Saftey reasons only
Contributor: Bebela Bebela
Originally posted by Pandahb
Condoms give us a piece of mind, so its one less thing to worry about during sex.
Yes! It's really nerve wrecking to not "know" for sure.
Contributor: rom323 rom323
I have never cum inside without condom. I have been ridden without a condom and don't find it that much different. I like the condom cause the head tends to get sensitive after cumming.

I think the condom also makes for easier cleanup.
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
They really need to cure disease.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
Hate them. They dry me out.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
Nonlatex condoms and a lot of lube are preferable. Having other people's fluids inside me irritates my bits. But it's sometimes easier without (I'm on BC for health stuff) so I can switch off.
Contributor: amandaco2011 amandaco2011
Im a stickler for safety.
Contributor: Superbals Superbals
hate them so much
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Me and my man have never used condoms. He jerked off once while wearing one, and has refused to again ever since. He's a stubborn butt.
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
I hate condoms to the point that I get turned off by them. Sex doesn't really happen with them involved. :/
Contributor: SubmissiveFeminist SubmissiveFeminist
Hate them, but require them. Safety first.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Originally posted by newlady
Don't like them whatsoever...but I like the thought of being pregnant even less, so...
I wear them because the thought of having a kid scares the hell out of me. I don't particularly like condoms though.
Contributor: PeachCandy PeachCandy
I HATE them! but I don't need to use them. I only have sex with my hubby
Contributor: PeachCandy PeachCandy
Totally hate them lol. I don't need them anyways
Contributor: ghent529 ghent529
hate them
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
Only for safety reasons.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
As a a guy I'm not a huge fan other than safety, my girl doesn't care either way
Contributor: Mitzuki Mitzuki
I've been with the same partner for almost 4 years now, and no one else. We used it as a safety precaution at first, to prevent babies of course. Neither of us like the sensation of condoms (and he's allergic to latex, so it made them kind of pricy after a while!), so I went on the pill. Haven't used them since.