Condoms love or hate?

Contributor: Collodion Collodion
I absolutely loathe condoms, but thankfully I have the freedom to go without when I'm with my SO - he's been fixed and we both get regularly tested.

When I sleep with anyone else, though, my fear of pregnancy and venereal diseases rears its little head and I drag the box out and make do.
(I must admit, though, that lubed condoms are a wonderful thing....provided they aren't spermicidal)
Contributor: CAKES CAKES
I HATE them. They really change the way he feels inside of me. We use a gel spermicide instead for birth control.
Contributor: salaciousrex salaciousrex
I don't like them, I only use them if I have to
Contributor: clp clp
I don't hate condoms at all. Most of the time, I can't even tell. After going at it for too long, though, they start to hurt.

Well, they do leave a bad taste after use, so I don't like cock in my mouth directly afterwards. Thats just a matter of reshuffling the schedule, though. Go down first, penetration second.

They do a world of good, though, don't they? Thank the heavens they exist! And all the doctors and ladies that fought for their availability.
Contributor: uu uu
Saftey reasons only.
Contributor: Vegan Silk Vegan Silk
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
I'm lucky enough to be in a monogamous relationship at the moment. we got all the tests done, I'm on great birth control, so goodbye condoms!!
Contributor: big b big b
glad those days are over.were in your 50s.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
My partner and I have really made an effort to make using condoms "sexy" but it just isn't as comfortable as without. I'm not saying condoms decrease sensitivity, for me, significantly, but it makes switching from sex to oral more cumbersome.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
I use the pill now, but before that condoms consistently caused some sort of chafing or friction burn.
Contributor: ss143 ss143
I don't like them but we use them because now is not the time for another baby for us. I love the feel of bf without a condom.
Contributor: sarki sarki
Don't like them but are good for safety only
Contributor: AlaskanBeauty AlaskanBeauty
Only using natural Lamb skin condoms.
Contributor: jc123 jc123
I used to love textured condoms, then I developed a latex allergy.
Contributor: Bezzz Bezzz
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
With permanent parthner you don't have to use condoms. Use other ways of contraception.
Contributor: dezzydezire dezzydezire
i like him wearing them for the desensatizing for him and sensation for me. plus clean up is easier with them
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
I don't particularly care. I certainly don't hate them. I merely use them for safety purposes.
Contributor: Vanessa Weiss Vanessa Weiss
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
I hate the way it feels, he hates the way it feels. We're both clean and monogamous with each other, and I am on hormonal BC so except for occasionally using them to cover toys this is a condom-free household. But if we weren't monogamous, or if I was still single? Safety first.
Contributor: lanky lanky
use to wear them, dont anymore now that married
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
i dont like them at all
Contributor: BlackxxxRose BlackxxxRose
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
Thank goodness my partner and I are monogamous because we still can't find any condoms I'm not super allergic to. When we have girlfriends though condoms are required at all times, but gosh is it nice to not have to worry when it's just us. I'm infertile too so that comes in handy.
Contributor: KinkyDesire KinkyDesire
I've grown to hate them once I had a taste of the other side. Only use them for safety reasons for now until I find a new stable staple my the life. Then I can nix them and do a happy dance!!!!
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
Ruins the feeling
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
I actually like condoms better than without
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Not a lot of fun to wear but the cleanup is a whole lot less... besides safely, that's the only upside IMO.
Contributor: frisky069 frisky069
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
i've only been with a few people, and i absolutely hate condoms!!
Contributor: EdenG EdenG
Originally posted by sugarOne
Do you girls enjoy having a man that wears condoms or do you just do it for safety reasons?
Yes, it's what we are used to for safety as well as enjoyment.
Contributor: systematicweasel systematicweasel
I'm not really a fan of them, but my mate loves it when I wear one ^^
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I endure them as a necessary evil.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Hate them. Love being back on birth control.