Teddy bear spank-her Spanking paddle

Catalog ID: RD6982
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Product: Teddy bear spank-her Product: Teddy bear spank-her
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What makes it awesome

A closer look

Teddy bear shaped leather paddle.

How it feels

Made from durable and chic leather material

Safety features: Phthalates free

Color: Black / Pink

Special Features: Texturized

How it measures

Weight: 1 lb

Wide 7.5 inches paddle for bigger spanking surface

Length: 13.75 inches

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Ruff doggie styles

Catalog ID: RD6982


5 reviews (5 verified)
over 6 months ago TheSlyFox Verified

My Cute (And Kinky!) Teddy!

This is worth it's price to me, it's well made, great quality, and if you take care of it, it will last you a very long time.

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over 6 months ago Kylshae Verified

Perfect new paddle for playtime.

This is a great paddle for most curious or adventurous consumers. Depending on the experience of the wielder it can be very versatile, and would be excellent for all but the most hardcore fans. It makes a nice heavy thuddy sound in use.

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over 6 months ago Kitty Stryker Verified

For the Angelica in all of us.

This is a great paddle if you like girly things, cute things, Daddy/girl or other ageplay. It's a nice gentle paddle for the emotional feeling of being spanked rather than to significantly redden a bottom.

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over 6 months ago Kayla Verified

Almost too Cute to Use (Video Review)

A great toy for a more experienced couple that knows they like pain. This toy could be used gently, but it still would provide a little bit of pain. The Teddy Bear Spank Her will be lasting years to come though because it's very durable.

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over 6 months ago Green Girl Verified

Teddy bear spank-her review

As I am still fairly new to 'the scene' as it were, I was very excited to receive my first paddle, the Teddy Bear Spank-Her. I took it out and carefully ran my fingers over it. It is made of leather, with finished pink on the business side, stitched with black in the shape of a loveable, plush teddy bear. Oh, how deceiving…I think when it comes to paddles, there are many things that can be used, and you need to evaluate them using three criteria; form, function and fantasy. The construction of this paddle is great. It feels sturdy in your hand, so no hesitation when you go to use it. There are two layers of thick leather that is padded on the pink side. It actually feels great in my hands!The paddle also has a great swing, so full marks on function. I am finding I like to give the spankings more than receive them, and so I was worried this one might be heavy in my hands. Yet, I got in many a whack on my playmate’s rear cheeks, and felt no fatigue. Quite the opposite reaction actually! Makes a nice strong 'smack' sound and I used both sides to equal effect.The look of the paddle is what makes this one a real keeper for me. The use of toys like this is enhanced greatly by how it adds not only to the sensation, but also to the fantasy. Most paddles have that über dungeon look, leaving little in the realm of 'fun' B&D toys; just gloomy gothic whips and chains. The pink teddy bear both feminizes this sex toy and adds to a kind of play that can be more fun and whimsical; think sleepover game with an initiation! I would even hazard to say this allows a girlie sensitivity to a traditionally male dominated realm. Heck, I could leave this paddle out and it goes great with my frilly bed cover and pink canopy four-poster bed!I give one note of caution about this cute paddle, though. I mentioned this paddle to a girlfriend of mine with kids. I think it's great, and cute and girly, but she was not enthused. For her the paddle resembles too much of the realm of children, which for her is a problem. When she gets time for adult play, the last thing she wants is to be reminded of is her kids and the responsibility she feels for them. In fact, she told me she draws very clear lines between her 'Mommy' duties, and her 'Sexy Mama' games, and this piece of gear blurs the lines for her. So, while this might be a great present for the spank minded females you know, make sure they will be able to integrate it fully into their play, and not have it add to any confusion during fun time!

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