To submit
Not Assigned review, please perform the following steps.
- Make sure you are signed in to your account.
- Go to the product page of an item you’re going to write a review about and click on the "Grab It" button to add this product to your "Assignment Cart".

- Go to your Assignment Cart and choose the “Write review” option.
- At the pop-up menu, pick where your review will be posted and the type of review template.
- Once you click “Submit”, you’ll get to the review template. Fill in all required fields, feel free to share additional info which you suppose may be interesting for readers, add pictures and/or videos of a product. Please, try to be informative and point all the important and useful data about a product.
If you are an Advanced reviewer, then you have a possibility to submit Assigned and Buyout reviews.
To make an assigned review, you should accept an assignment on a product from the Administrator or request it by yourself.
The process of
submitting an Assigned or Buyout reviews is as follows.
To accept an assignment made by the Administrator, go to your
Assignments and click on “Free order” or “Decline” if you want to decline it.
All you have to do now is wait for a product to be delivered, thoroughly try it out and write an honest review. You’ll find the “Write review” button in your
Assignments after placing an order with the assigned product.
To submit a request for free or buyout assignment, please do the following steps.
- Go to the chosen product page.
- Add a product to your assignment cart by grabbing it.
- Go to your assignment cart and choose “Request assignment”

- Select an assignment type and the location of a review at the pop-up menu.

- Submit your request to the Administrator.
After submission, the request will move from your Assignment cart to your Assignments.
If the Administrator approves your request, you should accept it at your Assignments by clicking “Free order”. Or you may change your mind and decline it.
Buyout assignments do not require an administrator’s approval.
- Don’t hesitate to test a product when it is shipped to you and share your experience by writing a sincere review. You’ll find the “Write review” button at your Assignments after placing an order with the assigned product.
A few things to note
You can add or remove products in the Assignment Cart anytime, but you CAN NOT modify the Assignments, although you may cancel the entire assignment anytime before a product is shipped.
The Administrator may approve or cancel your requested assignment based on different factors: whether the product is in your price range (see
Pricing Guidelines), the quantity of already existing reviews, the number of already made assignments, the presence of a sufficient amount of products on stock, etc.
Along with your reviews, you can optionally
submit a message to the Administrator.
Please keep in mind that one reviewer can only have
up to 3 active assignments simultaneously.
After being submitted, your review will be edited, approved or returned to you for a revision, or declined by the Administrator.
Once it is approved, it will be published on the website within a week or two. If after three weeks you do not see your review live on the site, please feel free to
contact the Review Program Administrator.
Please, be aware, as a matter of policy, EdenFantasys does not publish reviews on defective products. So if the unfortunate happened and you received a faulty or damaged product, you should
contact EdenFantasys Customer Service (if you bought the product on EdenFantasys) or the manufacturer to see if a replacement can be sent.
If you have any internet resources (youtube channel, blog, website, etc.) you’re welcome to make an
Off-site review (Not Assigned, Assigned or Buyout as well).