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Editor’s Guidelines

Editors for SexIs Social and the EdenFantasys Review Program should check up on information presented as fact that a) is too good to be true, b) is something the editor's unsure of, or c) the editor has heard or read something different from a credible source. They should look out for spelling, grammar, capitalization, and usage errors. They'll be responsible for categorizing the post and making sure it's tagged correctly. And they should make sure nothing in the articles they edit violate the Terms of Service. For details about what to look out for, keep reading…

How far is too far?

A proofreader’s job is to correct spelling and grammar, and check for any of the problematic situations mentioned below. You want to help make the article or review readable, not rewrite the whole thing completely. Aim for correct writing, not “good” writing.

Maybe you don’t agree with how the author wrote something, but as long as it is grammatically correct, try to preserve their voice to the best of your ability.

Example: “Oh ya this toy wuz the best it made me cum over and over again.”

Too much: “Oh yes, this toy was the best! It made my toes tingle!”

Just right: “Oh yeah, this toy was the best. It made me cum over and over again.”

Problematic Situations

I think I’ve read this article/review before…
If you’re proofing an article or review and it seems a little too familiar, you may be looking at the work of a plagiarist. If you find evidence to support your suspicions that the article was copied, do not hesitate to contact an Administrator with the article title or review number and a link to the original article or review. The Admins will take it from there.

I can’t read this article/review at all!

If the article or review is so riddled with errors that you find it difficult to make heads or tails of it, send it back for “revision required” with comments on why the submission requires revision. If the author is not cooperative, then you “transfer to Administrator”.

Product was defective

Sometimes a defective product gets shipped out for review. We ask that anyone who has received a defective product contact us immediately. We cannot accept reviews of defective products because they are not usually representative of the typical product. However, every now and again, reviews will be written for defective products. These cannot be approved. If you begin to edit such a review, please “transfer to Administrator”. The reviewer will be given a choice between receiving a replacement product (if available) or having the assignment canceled and moving on to the next one.

The reviewer didn’t use the product

If the review states that a product wasn’t used, not because it was defective (see above) but because it was too big, too small, ugly, uncomfortable, smelled, etc., the review cannot be accepted. It’s okay if the reviewer tried to use the product and had difficulties with it, but if they didn’t like it out of the box and didn’t make an attempt to use it, they should not have submitted a review. We ask anyone who has received a product they are unable to use to let an Administrator know right away so the assignment can be canceled. If you begin to edit such a review, please “transfer to Administrator”.

The article or review has false information or presents theories/opinions as fact.

Occasionally, you'll run across someone so convinced of their own opinion that they present it as concrete evidence, or someone who heard a rumor from a credible source and believed it, or even someone who is repeating a media or manufacturer mistake. In this case, send it back for “revision required” with comments on why the article or review requires revision. If the author is not cooperative, then you “transfer to Administrator”.

The article or review violates the SexIs Social and/or EdenFantasys Terms of Service.

If the article or review has content in it that violates the SexIs Social or EdenFantasys Terms of Service, “transfer to Administrator” immediately. We'll handle each situation on a case by case basis as we see fit.

Things That are Cool elsewhere but not in reviews

Chatspeak acronyms are fine on the forums, but are less welcome in articles. LOL (and company) are not acceptable forms of punctuation and should be replaced with the appropriate punctuation when needed or simply deleted from the sentence.

Example: “I thought this toy was so cool LOL It looked just like a whale LOL”

The Fix: “I thought this toy was so cool! It looked just like a whale.”

:) ;) :D :P, etc.
Emoticons are a great way to express emotions online or to diffuse awkward situations, but they’re not so great in reviews. Treat them the same way you would the LOL’s.

Example: “This vibe is so discreet; you could take it on an airplane with you ;)”

The Fix: “This vibe is so discreet; you could take it on an airplane with you.”


Using words in all capitals is fine on occasion. It makes the word forceful and adds emphasis. An entire review in all capitals is not great in a review - it’s like someone shouting at you for 300+ words.


The Fix: “This lube is sticky, but it tastes OK.”

Most Common Errors

Your or you’re?
If it belongs to you, it’s yours. If you don’t feel like writing “you are”, then it’s you’re.

They're, their or there?

If you’re too lazy to say “they are”, then it’s they’re. If it belongs to them, then it’s theirs. If it isn’t here, then it’s there.

Two, to, or too?

If it comes after one, it’s two. If there’s a place you’d rather be, that’s the place you ought to be going to (or if it’s an infinitive… to be, to go, to work, to play). If you agree with what he said, you think so, too.

Then or than?

If it comes after “if”, then you should use “then”. Same with chronological order. “I fought a tiger, and then I ate a moose.” If two things are being compared, separate them with than. “My vibrator is bigger than yours.”

Lay or lie?

You lay down a book, but lie down on the bed. You lay in bed for hours, while the book laid on the desktop.

Discreet or discrete?

If it’s easy to hide, or you want it kept secret, it’s discreet. If it’s something that’s separate or distinct, it’s discrete. A lipstick-shaped vibrator is discreet, while another toy may have two motors that offer discrete vibrations.

Definitely or defiantly?

If you’re certain, it’s definitely. If you’re bold and rebellious, it’s defiantly. You definitely like the toy. You spoke defiantly to the policeman.

It’s or its?

If you’re not sure, try writing it is. If it makes sense, use the conjunction it’s. If it doesn’t, use its. It is the cat’s meow = It’s the cat’s meow. “It is length is too long for you” = “Its length is too long for you” because in this case, “its” is possessive.

Lose or loose?

If you misplace something, you lose it. If you find something is not tight, it’s loose.

Silicon or silicone?

If it’s the super-hygienic sex toy material that so many love, it’s silicone. If it’s the semi-conductive chemical element that is a major component of sand, it’s silicon. (Chances are, if you're talking about a sex toy, it’s silicone.)

Respect the apostrophe

Wont and cant are words, but they’re very different from won’t or can’t. Apostrophes often go missing in typing, so make sure to double check contractions and possessives.

Plurals vs. Possessives

If you have more than one kitten, you’ve got kittens. If the kitten has mittens, they’re the kitten’s mittens. If your 3 kittens have mittens, they’re the kittens’ mittens. You can have CDs or CD’s, the grammar jury is still out on that one.

Easy on the commas

While commas are a great way to separate parts of a long sentence or a list, overuse of a comma can make a sentence hard to read. If you find that a sentence is swimming in them, edit out the ones that make sense.

One common comma error is the comma splice, or forcing two independent sentences into one sentence with a comma but no conjunction (and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so). Read both sides of the comma. If both parts could work as stand-alone sentences, there are several options:
  • Example: “The lube was pretty good, it stayed really slick even after half an hour.”
  • Use a period: “The lube was pretty good. It stayed really slick even after half an hour.”
  • Use a semicolon: “The lube was pretty good; it stayed really slick even after half an hour.”
  • Use a conjunction: “The lube was pretty good, and it stayed really slick even after half an hour.”

“I” is always capitalized

“I” is a proper pronoun, and as such should be capitalized. While it’s cute and time saving to keep it lowercase in chatspeak, it should always be capitalized no matter where it appears as a pronoun in a sentence.

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