Of course we have all heard it before, probably from whoever raised us, the age old saying “Don’t forget your sunscreen.” That is just it. In the summer when the sun is at its most dangerous, don’t forget your sunscreen. I always put sunscreen on my two boys because I do not want them to become sunburned.
If you happen to forget the sunscreen and you do become sunburned, my favorite remedy is aloe vera gel or Noxema cold cream. That green liquid has been a life saver on more than one occasion, and the cold cream does wonders.
When I was a teenager, my dad was working down south in Arkansas and my mother and I went to visit him for a week at his hotel. I lived by the pool on the first day, but that night I was redder than a lobster. The sunburn hurt and I could barely move. My mother was a firm believer in Noxema so she applied the cream all over my body where I was sunburned, and it actually took the redness away. The next morning I was just pink and could not believe that my mother’s remedy worked. I will never forget that summer and learned my lesson about spending all day at the pool without sunscreen. I think it was one of those instances that defying your parents as a teenager comes back to get you.
When I notice that my skin is becoming dry or ashy, I rub some type of moisturizer on my skin. My favorite moisturizer isn’t really a moisturizer, but is instead Dona Massage Oil which can be found at EdenFantasys.com. The massage oil does wonders to hydrate my skin and it leaves my skin feeling soft, supple, and not as dry and ashy once I apply it. Sometimes I use some type of exfoliation scrub to sluff off the dry skin on my body as well. One tip I learned a long time ago is to not run your shower or bath on full blast hot or use hot showers for a long period of time because that is a sure recipe for disaster on your skin. The heat sucks out all of the moisture on your skin and leaves it feeling dry.
Also if you use cleansers make sure to use something that is not harsh on your skin that causes your skin to dry out. One of the harshest cleansers is soap, so if you use regular soap on your skin I would suggest switching to something else that isn't as harsh. Also if you have troublesome skin, please don’t use something that will cause it to dry out as well.
One area that sometimes gets overlooked in the summer is our lips. Who doesn’t want kissable lips? In the summer and winter seasons keeping our lips moisturized can become quite difficult because the elements are harsh on our skin. My favorite solution is to always wear some sort of lip protection. My favorite lip protector is Burt’s Bees original lip balm or their honey lip balm in a tube. They're my favorite because they keep my lips from drying out and use natural ingredients in their products.
If you can stay out of the elements, do that as much as possible. Stay in the shade to prevent exposure to the sun and wear your sunscreen and a stylish hat or cap. No matter what you do, please make sure to make a conscious effort to pay attention to your skin and prevent it from becoming dry and ashy.

If you happen to forget the sunscreen and you do become sunburned, my favorite remedy is aloe vera gel or Noxema cold cream. That green liquid has been a life saver on more than one occasion, and the cold cream does wonders.
When I was a teenager, my dad was working down south in Arkansas and my mother and I went to visit him for a week at his hotel. I lived by the pool on the first day, but that night I was redder than a lobster. The sunburn hurt and I could barely move. My mother was a firm believer in Noxema so she applied the cream all over my body where I was sunburned, and it actually took the redness away. The next morning I was just pink and could not believe that my mother’s remedy worked. I will never forget that summer and learned my lesson about spending all day at the pool without sunscreen. I think it was one of those instances that defying your parents as a teenager comes back to get you.
When I notice that my skin is becoming dry or ashy, I rub some type of moisturizer on my skin. My favorite moisturizer isn’t really a moisturizer, but is instead Dona Massage Oil which can be found at EdenFantasys.com. The massage oil does wonders to hydrate my skin and it leaves my skin feeling soft, supple, and not as dry and ashy once I apply it. Sometimes I use some type of exfoliation scrub to sluff off the dry skin on my body as well. One tip I learned a long time ago is to not run your shower or bath on full blast hot or use hot showers for a long period of time because that is a sure recipe for disaster on your skin. The heat sucks out all of the moisture on your skin and leaves it feeling dry.
Also if you use cleansers make sure to use something that is not harsh on your skin that causes your skin to dry out. One of the harshest cleansers is soap, so if you use regular soap on your skin I would suggest switching to something else that isn't as harsh. Also if you have troublesome skin, please don’t use something that will cause it to dry out as well.
One area that sometimes gets overlooked in the summer is our lips. Who doesn’t want kissable lips? In the summer and winter seasons keeping our lips moisturized can become quite difficult because the elements are harsh on our skin. My favorite solution is to always wear some sort of lip protection. My favorite lip protector is Burt’s Bees original lip balm or their honey lip balm in a tube. They're my favorite because they keep my lips from drying out and use natural ingredients in their products.
If you can stay out of the elements, do that as much as possible. Stay in the shade to prevent exposure to the sun and wear your sunscreen and a stylish hat or cap. No matter what you do, please make sure to make a conscious effort to pay attention to your skin and prevent it from becoming dry and ashy.

Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thank you for the wonderful article!