Researchers from Luzhou Medical College in China thinks there's a reason many men who suffer from periodontitis are also being treated for erectile dysfunction. They say that periodontitis is causing erectile dysfunction in their lab rats. And it's not just the self-esteem issues that stem from the obvious "ick" that reaction bleeding gums and halitosis can elicit from potential mates.
We're kinda skeptical ourselves. How the hell can an infection in bone and tissue in your mouth affect how Mr. Happy performs?
Dr. Andrew Kramer, a surgeon and erectile dysfunction expert at the University of Maryland Medical Center, says, "I don’t think your gums are related to your penis in any reasonable way."
In fact, Dr. Kramer says that suffering from both is probably more of an indication that the man is generally unhealthy and should see a doctor. Both periodontitis and erectile dysfunction are sometimes indications of more serious issues, such as heart disease or diabetes.