Pseudoscience Porn
Every few years a titillating new book comes out that purports to explain Everything There Is To Know About Women And Sex. It would probably be more accurate to say this type of book rolls off the presses every few minutes rather than every few years. By now, I'm surprised isn't a section in Barnes & Noble for this particular genre. If the same consumer packaging laws were attributed to the shit we shovel into our minds, and not just our mouths, truth in advertising would have you browsing book aisles marked Pseudoscience Porn.
You'd find that section somewhere between Romance and Horror. Okay, so I can't expect that level of accountability from authors, publishers and pseudoscientists. Can they at least move them out of Nonfiction? Or shelve them with the other “special” nonfiction beside Christian Homeschooling Science Textbooks that explain how Adam and Eve had pet dinosaurs and carbon dating is a tool of Satan. You know the “nonfiction” I mean. Books that ride the short bus. Books that we pat on the head and say “of course you are, honey”. These are not books (or authors) we would ever trust to drive the bus.
There are no doubt 200 hundred reasons why, in what is a deluge of Pseudoscuience Porn, this one in particular should be met with bells and whistles—which is, coincidentally, the same number of reasons Why Women Have Sex – from coincidentally the book of the same name. If my greed overpowered my cynicism, I'd list those 200 stupid reasons and rush to a publisher in time to debate “scientist”/authors Cindy Meston and David Buss on the Talk Show circuit.
But only one reason matters: Sex sells. It sells books; it sells advertising to Talk Show sponsors and puts a tingle up Chris Matthews’ leg. It is less about one specific book than it is a cultural game of inventing celebrity experts—so we can talk about SEX and pretend we're being analytical rather than prurient. The gaping holes in research, logic and common sense will not matter a jot.
A jot, for those of you keeping score, is a measure of interest that is a fraction less than a shit. Collectively, the mainstream media doesn’t give a jot about the accuracy of the info, as long as they can smugly smear “10 Reasons Why Women Have Sex!” on their front page. A New book makes it New news. Think of it as them having their cake and eating it too: still clinging to the pretense of journalistic integrity while trying to steal pageviews from the likes of Cosmo.
Just for fun, let's pretend to take this book seriously. (But before I do, let me point out that if it wanted to be taken seriously it wouldn't have a title like Why Women Have Sex. A great title for any pick-up guide since the implied subtitle is “and how to use that info to get them to have sex with you.”)
You'd find that section somewhere between Romance and Horror. Okay, so I can't expect that level of accountability from authors, publishers and pseudoscientists. Can they at least move them out of Nonfiction? Or shelve them with the other “special” nonfiction beside Christian Homeschooling Science Textbooks that explain how Adam and Eve had pet dinosaurs and carbon dating is a tool of Satan. You know the “nonfiction” I mean. Books that ride the short bus. Books that we pat on the head and say “of course you are, honey”. These are not books (or authors) we would ever trust to drive the bus.
There are no doubt 200 hundred reasons why, in what is a deluge of Pseudoscuience Porn, this one in particular should be met with bells and whistles—which is, coincidentally, the same number of reasons Why Women Have Sex – from coincidentally the book of the same name. If my greed overpowered my cynicism, I'd list those 200 stupid reasons and rush to a publisher in time to debate “scientist”/authors Cindy Meston and David Buss on the Talk Show circuit.
But only one reason matters: Sex sells. It sells books; it sells advertising to Talk Show sponsors and puts a tingle up Chris Matthews’ leg. It is less about one specific book than it is a cultural game of inventing celebrity experts—so we can talk about SEX and pretend we're being analytical rather than prurient. The gaping holes in research, logic and common sense will not matter a jot.
A jot, for those of you keeping score, is a measure of interest that is a fraction less than a shit. Collectively, the mainstream media doesn’t give a jot about the accuracy of the info, as long as they can smugly smear “10 Reasons Why Women Have Sex!” on their front page. A New book makes it New news. Think of it as them having their cake and eating it too: still clinging to the pretense of journalistic integrity while trying to steal pageviews from the likes of Cosmo.
Just for fun, let's pretend to take this book seriously. (But before I do, let me point out that if it wanted to be taken seriously it wouldn't have a title like Why Women Have Sex. A great title for any pick-up guide since the implied subtitle is “and how to use that info to get them to have sex with you.”)