Got something you want to ask Nina? (Of course you do.) Drop her a line at Now, while can’t promise that every question received will get a personal response, however, those that do will be answered frankly, entertainingly, enlighteningly and, if we know Nina, in the spirit of happy, healthy sex and a satisfied libido.
Tuesdays With Nina: The Truth About 69

Thank you, Nina, for telling our story. Eleanor and I both felt like we were being featured on 'Oprah'. ~Tom
I just ADORE Nina! I am always so happy to send over everyone's questions to her. She is amazing.
My man doesn't care what I look like, heck he hardly really pays much attention when I dress up nice with make-up on and hair done. He doens't care about that type of stuff at all. He likes when I do cook for him... At least I gained some points with my cooking and oral sex, because since I read Jacks Blowjob Guide ( [] ) I’m pro He will always despise my movie tastes as long as it includes a "chick flick" but for the most part we can agree on movies to watch...