Finances. Commitments. Promises. Contractual obligations. Though none of these are romantic or sexy, they are often part and parcel of many relationships these days. These issues can also become both the crux of larger problems, as well as a crutch partners fall back on, keeping them bound together long after the passion is gone, gone, gone.
Today Nina talks to a man who finds himself living in a dead-end love affair. His ex is still controlling the purse strings... and effectively calling the shots on his sex life. As a result, he’s angry, confused… and horny. (Who wouldn't be?) But it's not a one-way street. This fellow has pull himself up by the bootstraps. The time has come to stop blaming others and take back control of his own life—and who better to help him on his way than our own Nina Hartley?
Got something you want to ask Nina? (Of course you do.) Drop her a line at Now, while can’t promise that every question received will get a personal response, however, those that do will be answered frankly, entertainingly, enlighteningly and, if we know Nina, in the spirit of happy, healthy sex and a satisfied libido.