A few weeks back we reported on some serious stunt flying when Alex Torres, aka Voodoo, a skydiving instructor and adult film performer, had sex with his co-worker Hope Howell during a skydive. Torres was fired. Recently Howell told KERO News in Bakersfield, Calif., “I am happy I did it. I wouldn't change it for the world, and it did get the attention of Howard Stern -- our whole goal in general,” Howell said.
KERO reported in a related story that Howell has done quite a few adult films before and hoped this would help her career.
Anyway, the Federal Aviation Administration has now investigated the incident and found it was all perfectly fine and didn’t result in any regulations being broken. The AP reports that the pilot “wasn’t distracted during the incident,” which suggests that a) he’s just a very cool-headed, professional guy, the type you would want flying your plane; b) It happens all the time and is totally old hat; or c) He’s a Vulcan.
Now that the FAA’s cool with it, think it’ll become a new trend in adventure travel?