An album of images of two people having sex on the top of a University of Southern California building went viral this weekend. The fraternity the guy belongs to has identified him, and they're not happy.
Wait. What?
Kappa Sigma suspended the bloke they've identified as one of their members. “For conduct unbecoming of a Kappa Sigma and a gentleman,” they're claiming, but who're we kidding here? Even the most pious fraternity has that one rotten apple who's at school to party till the cows come home, right?
USC Interfraternity Council President Pat Lauer told the Daily Trojan (great name for a newspaper, we think) that the fraternity as a whole is “appalled by the actions associated with the individuals in the pictures, and will work tirelessly to reverse the negative stereotypes such an action has perpetuated.”
We're really not sure what all the fuss is about. You can't even see anything! And besides, it's not like public sex is anything new. We've all done it a time or two.
Take a look. Are they bothering anyone?

Wait. What?
Kappa Sigma suspended the bloke they've identified as one of their members. “For conduct unbecoming of a Kappa Sigma and a gentleman,” they're claiming, but who're we kidding here? Even the most pious fraternity has that one rotten apple who's at school to party till the cows come home, right?
USC Interfraternity Council President Pat Lauer told the Daily Trojan (great name for a newspaper, we think) that the fraternity as a whole is “appalled by the actions associated with the individuals in the pictures, and will work tirelessly to reverse the negative stereotypes such an action has perpetuated.”
We're really not sure what all the fuss is about. You can't even see anything! And besides, it's not like public sex is anything new. We've all done it a time or two.
Take a look. Are they bothering anyone?

I think it's totally fine, don't get the fuss either.