The summer is always a fun time. When you were young, there was no school and the summer seemed to stretch on forever; days where you had all the time in the world to do whatever you wanted. Now, as we are older summer is still fun, but the endless summer days don't stretch out in front of those that have to work. But there's always vacation.
What is it about going on vacation that can totally unleash something in you and your significant other?
Maybe you're like my wife and I. Whenever we check into a hotel we transform from a happily married couple into teenagers who can't keep our hands off of each other. We even have phrases for it. We call it “Hotel Sex” and “Vacation Sex.”
Very original I know. But it’s always exciting when we get away, even if it is just for a night. There’s something so refreshing and sexy about being in a new place. Couple that with the relaxed atmosphere of summer and the heat that comes with it meaning fewer and fewer items of clothing can be worn, and most of my vacation is usually spent either in bed with my wife or trying to figure out a way to get her in the bed again.
There is a sensuality associated with summer that is not associated with any of the other seasons. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s the freedom that summer provides, but it is palpable when you’re on vacation. If you are single your eyes are always moving around, looking for someone to have that summer fling with. If you’re married you’re grateful to get away from it all back home and have some time to reconnect as a couple. You’re more open to trying things on vacation that you wouldn’t consider in any other setting. This means both in an everyday sort of way but also in regards to sex as well.
In your everyday life, would you ever consider going windsurfing, or hang gliding or any other manner of daredevil fun that seems like a good idea while you are on vacation? What about in bed? You’re more open to experimentation on vacation because no one will know you even if they somehow find out, and besides they’re probably doing the same thing themselves.
Sex on the hotel balcony seems like a sexy and fun idea on vacation, but at home any type of public sex act fills you with a fear of being discovered that cannot be shaken. Do you dance just a little bit dirtier at the dance club on vacation than you would ever consider when you’re at home? That’s what vacation is all about, I think; trying things that you wouldn’t even dream of doing when you’re at home and within the confines of your normal life.
So vacation is coming up for my wife and I, and we’re already excited by what could possibly occur. A few years back we did try the “sex on the condo balcony” thing and while it was totally exhilarating, I’d suggest bringing a towel or blanket to lie down on; otherwise the concrete digs into your back. But afterwards we both looked at each other, shocked that we had gone through with something we’d talked about many times but never actually had the nerve to try. Another fun adventure that we chalked up to “Vacation Sex,” it’s something I still have trouble believing we did, but in the heat of the moment it was incredible.
This year I’m thinking sex in the ocean. Tame by most people’s standards I’m sure, but something that the wife and I would love to try. Swim out just enough so that we can still have some footing, but not too close to kids or anything like that and just go at it. Again the exhibitionism aspect would be present, but with a reasonable amount of deniability in case we were caught. But I’ll tell you we wouldn’t even dream of trying something like that back at home.
I’ve often thought about how to keep some of this spirit alive when we’re not on vacation and the closet thing I’ve been able to come up with is hotel sex. Like I mentioned earlier, whenever we are off to a hotel we do have a little bit of that adventurous spirit that is present on vacation. There is a bit of that freedom because often times there is no one in the hotel that you know so you can be as loud as you want without fear of someone you know giving you the “look” the next day. Sexy lingerie is more likely to make an appearance, maybe even a bit of exhibitionism on play by pressing up against the window while coupling. That is the way we try and keep that free vacation feeling going throughout the year. And it helps warm us up for the next vacation adventure.

What is it about going on vacation that can totally unleash something in you and your significant other?
Maybe you're like my wife and I. Whenever we check into a hotel we transform from a happily married couple into teenagers who can't keep our hands off of each other. We even have phrases for it. We call it “Hotel Sex” and “Vacation Sex.”
Very original I know. But it’s always exciting when we get away, even if it is just for a night. There’s something so refreshing and sexy about being in a new place. Couple that with the relaxed atmosphere of summer and the heat that comes with it meaning fewer and fewer items of clothing can be worn, and most of my vacation is usually spent either in bed with my wife or trying to figure out a way to get her in the bed again.
There is a sensuality associated with summer that is not associated with any of the other seasons. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s the freedom that summer provides, but it is palpable when you’re on vacation. If you are single your eyes are always moving around, looking for someone to have that summer fling with. If you’re married you’re grateful to get away from it all back home and have some time to reconnect as a couple. You’re more open to trying things on vacation that you wouldn’t consider in any other setting. This means both in an everyday sort of way but also in regards to sex as well.
In your everyday life, would you ever consider going windsurfing, or hang gliding or any other manner of daredevil fun that seems like a good idea while you are on vacation? What about in bed? You’re more open to experimentation on vacation because no one will know you even if they somehow find out, and besides they’re probably doing the same thing themselves.
Sex on the hotel balcony seems like a sexy and fun idea on vacation, but at home any type of public sex act fills you with a fear of being discovered that cannot be shaken. Do you dance just a little bit dirtier at the dance club on vacation than you would ever consider when you’re at home? That’s what vacation is all about, I think; trying things that you wouldn’t even dream of doing when you’re at home and within the confines of your normal life.
So vacation is coming up for my wife and I, and we’re already excited by what could possibly occur. A few years back we did try the “sex on the condo balcony” thing and while it was totally exhilarating, I’d suggest bringing a towel or blanket to lie down on; otherwise the concrete digs into your back. But afterwards we both looked at each other, shocked that we had gone through with something we’d talked about many times but never actually had the nerve to try. Another fun adventure that we chalked up to “Vacation Sex,” it’s something I still have trouble believing we did, but in the heat of the moment it was incredible.
This year I’m thinking sex in the ocean. Tame by most people’s standards I’m sure, but something that the wife and I would love to try. Swim out just enough so that we can still have some footing, but not too close to kids or anything like that and just go at it. Again the exhibitionism aspect would be present, but with a reasonable amount of deniability in case we were caught. But I’ll tell you we wouldn’t even dream of trying something like that back at home.
I’ve often thought about how to keep some of this spirit alive when we’re not on vacation and the closet thing I’ve been able to come up with is hotel sex. Like I mentioned earlier, whenever we are off to a hotel we do have a little bit of that adventurous spirit that is present on vacation. There is a bit of that freedom because often times there is no one in the hotel that you know so you can be as loud as you want without fear of someone you know giving you the “look” the next day. Sexy lingerie is more likely to make an appearance, maybe even a bit of exhibitionism on play by pressing up against the window while coupling. That is the way we try and keep that free vacation feeling going throughout the year. And it helps warm us up for the next vacation adventure.

it's so true! me and my husband are heading to the beach for vacation next week and even though we'd never do it at home we are going to try a three some while were at the beach! I feel so much more comfurtable doing it this way because no one knows us I don't have to talk to the girl after head home and I don't have to worry about her showing up at my house or my husband cheating. Loose and fun is the name of the game not stress.
This is true
LOL Sex in the ocean can lead to granules of sand in very unpleasant places...but it's rather enjoyable never the less! Definitely recommend giving it a try.
i really enjoyed this