So it seems quite a few of us have an issue with low sex drive. In fact, over $500 million is spent on Viagra worldwide every year. But according to the Daily Mail, we're going about this all wrong. Seems if we just change a few things, our libidos might regulate themselves. No more little blue pill!
Of course, there are things on the list that we can't control. Like baldness, diabetes, and our age. And a couple things some of us can't (or shouldn't) live without, like blood pressure medication, antidepressants and the pill.
But Helen Bond of the British Dietetic Association says if we stop eating refined carbohydrates like white bread, sweeteners, and canned fruits and vegetables, we'll see a bit of a lift in our sex drive.
“Foods such as white bread release the sugar more quickly than their wholegrain counterparts — and too much sugar is associated with energy slumps, which mean you won’t have the energy for sex,” said Bond. (It's Bond. Helen Bond. Sorry. We couldn't resist.)
Eat homemade chicken stew and drink tea with honey if you've got a cold, instead of guzzling cough syrup. Eat some beef if your iron's low. Lose weight, but at a healthy rate. And skip the romantic dinner (We kid you not.). You'll be in the sack more often in no time flat. Maybe.