We have a small above ground pool that you put together and take down every year. This pool is a life saver to us because it keeps the kids busy during the summer while having fun, staying cool, and exercising at the same time.
Although this pool was bought with our small kids in mind for their enjoyment, my husband and I have also found it suits a wonderful purpose for us as well. The wonderful thing about this pool is when the kids are away we can use this pool to cool down and become romantic with each other at the same time. I have discovered that it is not complicated at all to gently slide a bikini bottom to the side for easy access to my husband’s manhood. The pool is not in view of the neighbors so we don’t have to worry about nosy neighbors getting a view and show that they are better off not seeing.
Another wonderful thing about where I live is we have indoor air conditioning. We have central heat and air, and when we’re indoors we keep the temperature on seventy-seven degrees. I am hotter natured than my husband is, so the temperatures in the house is always a debate with us, but we’ve decided that seventy-seven is the perfect temperature for both of us. This is a drastic improvement to the temperatures that are felt outside and it feels like a cooler when you first walk inside. The central air makes things much more bearable so we’re able to become intimate with each other whenever we feel like it. However, I have discovered that night time offers the best timing for us.
Now that I mention night time, the cover of darkness would also be a great time to become intimate with your partner if you don’t have central heat and air and rely on fans and the temperatures changing outside. Night is romantic anyway when the moon is coming up and the frogs are making their calls all around you. Obviously, the temperature drops a few degrees at night and is much more bearable than it is in direct heat at noon when the sun is beating directly down on you.
Another wonderful idea to stay cool in the summer is to take showers together. I know this is not a new concept, and others may do this year round, but it is one of my husband’s favorite places to become intimate with me. The shower muffles noises and we have the ability to lock the door to keep our children from barging in on us like a couple circus characters wondering what we’re doing. In the shower, we are able to adjust the temperature to our liking to keep us warm and cool at the same time. I prefer hotter showers than my husband, but we always compromise and keep the shower comfortable to both of us.
If all of these suggestions fail, I saved my favorite suggestion for last. I hate clothes! I know that is an odd statement to hear. If you looked at my closet you couldn't tell because I have too many. My point is I hate wearing clothes. They always cling to me in the heat and humidity here, and I can never stay comfortable while wearing them. My suggestion is, if you’re like me and can’t walk around naked due to neighbors, kids, or other outside influences, wear as little as humanly possible without being naked.
My favorite ensemble during the summer is a bikini. I’m clothed, but just barely. It keeps me cool and gives my husband a wonderful view to think about until he just can’t take it anymore. If a bikini is not an option, I also wear halter style summer dresses without a bra. I’m the type that goes without a bra during all seasons, but if that is not possible for you, buy a dress that has built-in bra support so you don’t have to wear that additional binding clothing.
No matter what you choose to do during the summer, make sure to stay safe and properly hydrated to avoid heat exhaustion or stroke. Just because the heat outside is unbearable doesn’t mean your sex life has to suffer. There is always an option to keep things nice and cool in the summer while still being intimate with your partner.

Although this pool was bought with our small kids in mind for their enjoyment, my husband and I have also found it suits a wonderful purpose for us as well. The wonderful thing about this pool is when the kids are away we can use this pool to cool down and become romantic with each other at the same time. I have discovered that it is not complicated at all to gently slide a bikini bottom to the side for easy access to my husband’s manhood. The pool is not in view of the neighbors so we don’t have to worry about nosy neighbors getting a view and show that they are better off not seeing.
Another wonderful thing about where I live is we have indoor air conditioning. We have central heat and air, and when we’re indoors we keep the temperature on seventy-seven degrees. I am hotter natured than my husband is, so the temperatures in the house is always a debate with us, but we’ve decided that seventy-seven is the perfect temperature for both of us. This is a drastic improvement to the temperatures that are felt outside and it feels like a cooler when you first walk inside. The central air makes things much more bearable so we’re able to become intimate with each other whenever we feel like it. However, I have discovered that night time offers the best timing for us.
Now that I mention night time, the cover of darkness would also be a great time to become intimate with your partner if you don’t have central heat and air and rely on fans and the temperatures changing outside. Night is romantic anyway when the moon is coming up and the frogs are making their calls all around you. Obviously, the temperature drops a few degrees at night and is much more bearable than it is in direct heat at noon when the sun is beating directly down on you.
Another wonderful idea to stay cool in the summer is to take showers together. I know this is not a new concept, and others may do this year round, but it is one of my husband’s favorite places to become intimate with me. The shower muffles noises and we have the ability to lock the door to keep our children from barging in on us like a couple circus characters wondering what we’re doing. In the shower, we are able to adjust the temperature to our liking to keep us warm and cool at the same time. I prefer hotter showers than my husband, but we always compromise and keep the shower comfortable to both of us.
If all of these suggestions fail, I saved my favorite suggestion for last. I hate clothes! I know that is an odd statement to hear. If you looked at my closet you couldn't tell because I have too many. My point is I hate wearing clothes. They always cling to me in the heat and humidity here, and I can never stay comfortable while wearing them. My suggestion is, if you’re like me and can’t walk around naked due to neighbors, kids, or other outside influences, wear as little as humanly possible without being naked.
My favorite ensemble during the summer is a bikini. I’m clothed, but just barely. It keeps me cool and gives my husband a wonderful view to think about until he just can’t take it anymore. If a bikini is not an option, I also wear halter style summer dresses without a bra. I’m the type that goes without a bra during all seasons, but if that is not possible for you, buy a dress that has built-in bra support so you don’t have to wear that additional binding clothing.
No matter what you choose to do during the summer, make sure to stay safe and properly hydrated to avoid heat exhaustion or stroke. Just because the heat outside is unbearable doesn’t mean your sex life has to suffer. There is always an option to keep things nice and cool in the summer while still being intimate with your partner.

this has a lot of great ideas thanks for the great read